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Sun Dynasty
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The Sun Dynasty sprawls from the Howling Sea to nearly the borders of the Eyirath Kingdom, close to Firefly Grotto in the north with only The Divide separating the Spearhead from the Bloodwood. With their borders so close to another kingdom's, the Sun Dynasty is militant about patrols, and has a strong presence throughout their region. The kingdom is lush jungle interspersed with towering karsts to the southwest as the Crow's Eye watches over the Howling Sea and the rest of the Dynasty, steadily fading into verdant green the closer one moves to Yuwen Temple. Hard to see due to the flourishing undergrowth are the numerous caverns and holes, all leading underground to a number of wellsprings and rivers that had a hand in forming the Crow's Eye to begin with. They are safer to drink the farther northeast you go, though have a distinctive taste that has been said in other kingdoms to contribute to the bitter, long-lasting memories of the Dynasty's people. Approaching Yuwen Temple, the wellsprings begin to show above ground here and there, with small water sources peering through the greenery. In the northernmost reaches, the jungle thickens once again, and becomes a dense mangrove swamp which blocks the sun even on the brightest days, leaving only those clever or familiar enough with the roots of the mangrove trees to navigate beneath its dark canopy.
The Endless Horizon
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Known to be inventive over the other kingdoms, despite their bloody past, this kingdom stretches from the east side of The Rift to the dunes surrounding Eldtril Retreat, and from the shores of the summer sea all the way up to the Altar of the Phoenix in the north. Golden red sands stretch as far as the eye can see to the east, and the Pharaoh of the Endless Horizon has ostensibly claimed it all for their own kingdom, earning their name--the Endless Horizon. Realistically speaking, if one goes far enough out into the desert, it becomes lawless, far from even Yggdrasil's reach, but none who rule from their seat of Teggedell will accept such logic; the desert is theirs. The sun is harsh, but the wind is moreso, flinging sand hard enough to strip bone during the worst of storms and otherwise providing little shelter or relief from the heat. At night, temperatures plummet into near-freezing, and by morning the sand is cold as ice and just as hard-packed. When storms come, it is in the night, freezing rains and howling winds driving citizens into their shelters. It is in this environment that the people of the Endless Horizon have thrived, and it shows in the harsh nature of their interactions and the bloody history stretching behind them. It also shows in their innovation and drive, their passion for invention and the industrious nature of their culture. When survival is not guaranteed for even the fittest, someone must even the odds--and that someone has always been among the people of the Endless Horizon.
Eyirath Kingdom
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The Eyirath Kingdom sprawls from Nepenthe Haven in the south, along the coast of the Om'at Tributary all the way up to Firefly Grotto in the north. Though The Divide separates the two kingdoms, up north the borders between Eyirath Kingdom and the Sun Dynasty actually touch, which results in great conflict near the Firefly Grotto if the border patrols happen to meet. The dense jungle that makes up the northern half of Eyirath Kingdom is ripe with hiding places for an ambush, as the lone road leading from Nepenthe Haven through the Bloodwood stops long before, at the bridge leading to Willowglen across the Om'at Tributary, leaving those seeking passage to Firefly Grotto to navigate the dense foliage on their own. A longstanding sentinel against the encroaching Sun Dynasty, Eyirath Kingdom was founded by Adachi Takamoto after receiving a leaf from the Yggdrasil Tree, which he and others took as a preordained sign of his right to rule. In contrast to their closest neighbors, they have long cultivated an air of elegance and civility, with a looser approach to conflict despite the number of patrols they carry out being even greater than those of the Dynasty. However, this has led to a tendency for veiled threats and attacks from the shadows, for their smiling faces are only a mask to hide their true thoughts. Eyirath Kingdom is one many find hard to trust.
Uddegana Province
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Only recently, Uddegana Province had been shattered and on the cusp of abandonment, and that history still shows in the scars left behind on the land. This kingdom is divided by Nateka Ridge across from the Thesvern Hills, with the Pass of Tomorrow being the only way to move between the northern and southern halves. Frosthaven lies above the ridge, while the capital of Attexus is tucked in beneath it. In the north, vast evergreen forests have, in some places, been reduced to frozen wastelands, and the lands have given in to the frequent cold; to the south, the maple trees around Attexus are standing twisted and scarred, but whole, while the crop fields are carefully tended; and the Pass of Tomorrow has had avalanches more frequently, leaving boulders in the road and a new rule for caravans to speak quietly while walking through. Uddegana Province may have suffered under the negligent rule of its previous king, but there are also signs everywhere that the kingdom is healing. Border patrols are more frequent, particularly on the sides facing other kingdoms, and trade has resumed with enthusiasm from the merchant class, bringing caravans in from all corners of As'dra. The settlements are livelier than they have been in recent years, with frequent open markets and festivals the likes of which are not seen anywhere else.
Sestrala Commonwealth
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Nestled under the comforting eaves of the Wild Vale and embracing another forest that stretches even beyond As'dra, the Sestrala Commonwealth is home to a secretive people. The kingdom stretches from the north side of the Horizon-Sestrala Border to the Wild Yonder in the northwest. The trees grow tall and close together throughout most of the kingdom, with the foliage of thick red coniferous trees providing a constant shade to the vibrant tangle of life at their roots. The trees are large enough that a number of locals can travel by climbing into the tree tops, and a keen eye may spot ladders and bridges leading off into the canopy. Others make near-invisible pathways through the underbrush, an ever-changing web that functions as a security measure as much as the patrols often wandering through it do. Rather than brave the maze, outsiders tend to stick to the only road that accepts merchants, and runs straight through the middle of the kingdom to Redwood Keep. The King's Road is well-kept and often patrolled, but locals seldom seem to use it themselves. The trails are faster, if you know them well. To the north, steep cliffs fall into Twilight Valley, where coniferous trees give way to birch and silvered variants, the ghostly silhouettes visible even from Redwood Keep's towers and stretching well past the kingdom's borders, into the Beyond.

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