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The Endless Horizon
Known to be inventive over the other kingdoms, despite their bloody past, this kingdom stretches from the east side of The Rift to the dunes surrounding Eldtril Retreat, and from the shores of the summer sea all the way up to the Altar of the Phoenix in the north. Golden red sands stretch as far as the eye can see to the east, and the Pharaoh of the Endless Horizon has ostensibly claimed it all for their own kingdom, earning their name--the Endless Horizon. Realistically speaking, if one goes far enough out into the desert, it becomes lawless, far from even Yggdrasil's reach, but none who rule from their seat of Teggedell will accept such logic; the desert is theirs. The sun is harsh, but the wind is moreso, flinging sand hard enough to strip bone during the worst of storms and otherwise providing little shelter or relief from the heat. At night, temperatures plummet into near-freezing, and by morning the sand is cold as ice and just as hard-packed. When storms come, it is in the night, freezing rains and howling winds driving citizens into their shelters. It is in this environment that the people of the Endless Horizon have thrived, and it shows in the harsh nature of their interactions and the bloody history stretching behind them. It also shows in their innovation and drive, their passion for invention and the industrious nature of their culture. When survival is not guaranteed for even the fittest, someone must even the odds--and that someone has always been among the people of the Endless Horizon.
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Tropical desert
64°F (18°C) — 120°F (49°C)
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
Forums in 'The Endless Horizon'
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The Endless Horizon is vast, which only means its capital must be equally so. Teggedell is a towering city, its buildings built roundly with sand smoothing out all the edges over the time since it first rose. The stones used are mostly dark, which causes the outside of the buildings to become swelteringly hot to the touch, but built thickly enough that the insides remain cool. At the hottest part of the day, virtually no one is outside--but as night falls, the city comes to life, rich with dancers and thieves alike who give it a vibrant atmosphere through the darkness and well into morning, before everyone retreats inside as the sun reaches its height. Teggedell is old, its history both blood thirsty and innovative. Merchants have been well-known to pass through in droves, leading to wide streets and plenty of courtyards for various open-air markets, and if you know where to look you can find various tunnels leading underground, where the ancient library of Teggedell resides. There, historians and librarians alike are happy to allow you to view their life's work, though they are prone to hovering as some parts of Teggedell's history are prone to causing intense reactions, like theft or violence, upon discovery. The library is rumored to have many copies of the different books, however, with particularly talented mages working to duplicate them all the time--though how, remains unknown. There is an old saying in the Horizon; great minds come from Teggedell.
Eldtril Retreat
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Beyond the Rothmos Burial Ground, where the sand begins to soften into shifting dunes instead of hardened clay, one may eventually come across the Eldtril Retreat. Built on the crumbled remains of a plateau that has stood the test of time against the dunes, the buildings in the Retreat are cradled within hard rock walls, cooled by the weight of stone around them and dark within. Further, there are tunnels leading even deeper underground, with entrances rumored to range all the way out past the dunes. While there are still many buildings that rest outside of the plateau itself, they are in far worse repair, crumbling and broken where those that are built deeper into the walls are not. There are no sharp corners in Eldtril Retreat; while the buildings are all built squarely, the frequent sandstorms have rounded their edges away, smoothing the walls until they blend in with the rest of the rock seamlessly. Beyond the settlement itself, the waters of the oasis sprawl in a jagged pool. The oasis' level rises and falls depending on the weather, filling more whenever it rains and draining to nearly nothing in long periods of drought, but only once has it ever dried up completely. Rumors of an underwater spring trickling down from higher in the plateau have circulated for years, one carefully guarded and monitored so that those of the Retreat never go thirsty. However, climbing to the top of the plateau is strictly forbidden, for the winds at that higher altitude are enough to sweep lions of a certain age or size right back off the rocks.
Choking Wastes
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The shifting sands of the Choking Wastes lie just south of Teggedell, a sprawl of shifting sand that nearly reaches the Summer Sea before cliffs hem in its borders. Golden, red and even black, the sands have a strange heat-retention, burning beneath the endless sky and only barely cooling at night. Here, the winds carry the sands to mix and shift, stinging the eyes and clogging the lungs of any who dare to pass through. Sometimes, huge bones can be found poking out of the sand closer to Rothmos Burial Ground, suggesting that the giant's graveyard was once much bigger, before the Choking Wastes claimed more territory for itself. There are no permanent landmarks for this stretch of desert; any who travel without getting hopelessly lost are guided by the sun and stars. When the heat is at its worst, many simply burrow into the sands to wait it out; get deep enough into a dune, and it may stay cool enough for you to survive--as long as you can make your way out again. Occasionally, deep beneath the earth, there is a rumble that can be felt even on the surface, vibrations that shift the sands without a single breath of wind. When the rumble comes, and how long it lasts, can vary each time it happens; no one knows why, or what causes it, giving rise to legends of some great creature hunting in the sands.
Rothmos Burial Ground
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Sitting at the northern edge of the Choking Wastes, in an area where the hardened ground of the wastelands gives way to the shifting sands of Eldtril Retreat, the Rothmos Burial Ground was named such at first for the enormous creatures whose bones are forever memorialized there. Predatory creatures larger than any seen before rise out of the sands, peak from where they lie entombed in solid rock, and occasionally disappear beneath the shifting sands only to reappear with the next storm. The best landmarks to travel by are those skeletons trapped within the rocks; a huge skull with numerous teeth turning up toward the sky, known by the locals as The Cloud Watcher; two enormous skeletons locked together forever in battle, referred to as the Bloodied Titans; and, closest to the shifting sands, a huge skeleton curled around two smaller ones, colloquially known as the Guardian. As time passed, others began to entomb their loved ones in the sands, creating a scattered landscape of rocky tombs. Tunnels leading deeper underground and lined with graves can be found regularly. If one dares to go searching they must only follow the mournful howl of the wind from their mouths. More shallow graves have left bones throughout the Rothmos Burial Ground, both over land and beneath it, and those who walk here do so with the knowledge of the dead beneath their feet.
The Endless Horizon
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