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The Endless Horizon is vast, which only means its capital must be equally so. Teggedell is a towering city, its buildings built roundly with sand smoothing out all the edges over the time since it first rose. The stones used are mostly dark, which causes the outside of the buildings to become swelteringly hot to the touch, but built thickly enough that the insides remain cool. At the hottest part of the day, virtually no one is outside--but as night falls, the city comes to life, rich with dancers and thieves alike who give it a vibrant atmosphere through the darkness and well into morning, before everyone retreats inside as the sun reaches its height. Teggedell is old, its history both blood thirsty and innovative. Merchants have been well-known to pass through in droves, leading to wide streets and plenty of courtyards for various open-air markets, and if you know where to look you can find various tunnels leading underground, where the ancient library of Teggedell resides. There, historians and librarians alike are happy to allow you to view their life's work, though they are prone to hovering as some parts of Teggedell's history are prone to causing intense reactions, like theft or violence, upon discovery. The library is rumored to have many copies of the different books, however, with particularly talented mages working to duplicate them all the time--though how, remains unknown. There is an old saying in the Horizon; great minds come from Teggedell.
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Tropical desert
64°F (18°C) — 120°F (49°C)
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
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