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Sestrala Commonwealth
Nestled under the comforting eaves of the Wild Vale and embracing another forest that stretches even beyond As'dra, the Sestrala Commonwealth is home to a secretive people. The kingdom stretches from the north side of the Horizon-Sestrala Border to the Wild Yonder in the northwest. The trees grow tall and close together throughout most of the kingdom, with the foliage of thick red coniferous trees providing a constant shade to the vibrant tangle of life at their roots. The trees are large enough that a number of locals can travel by climbing into the tree tops, and a keen eye may spot ladders and bridges leading off into the canopy. Others make near-invisible pathways through the underbrush, an ever-changing web that functions as a security measure as much as the patrols often wandering through it do. Rather than brave the maze, outsiders tend to stick to the only road that accepts merchants, and runs straight through the middle of the kingdom to Redwood Keep. The King's Road is well-kept and often patrolled, but locals seldom seem to use it themselves. The trails are faster, if you know them well. To the north, steep cliffs fall into Twilight Valley, where coniferous trees give way to birch and silvered variants, the ghostly silhouettes visible even from Redwood Keep's towers and stretching well past the kingdom's borders, into the Beyond.
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
30°F (-1°C) — 95°F (35°C)
High precipitation
Moderate cloud cover
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Moderate cloud cover
Forums in 'Sestrala Commonwealth'
Redwood Keep
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The only road through the Sestrala Commonwealth ends at the edge of a large cleared circle, forest abruptly giving way to a rolling meadow climbing up into a lone hill, which towers over its surroundings even before the walls and towers have been built on top of it. This makes the Redwood Keep easily visible from a wide range. Over the decades of occupancy, the clearing has been shaped into a near-perfect circle around the Keep, allowing clear sight lines from each of its many watch towers. Within the Keep, the roads are narrow, with buildings that lean toward each other and slanted roofs that cover the hilltop in shadows. Redwood Keep is large enough to host several hundred within its walls, though that number fluctuates more than any other settlement in As'dra. Even in summer, Redwood Keep is remarkably cool in the lower levels, though when it rains the streets run like rivers down the hill and out of the city. Snow can be equally dangerous, as the streets freeze and become a hazard to traverse. It's actually safer when there's a layer of snow on the ground. At street level, there are also several secret entrances into various tunnels through the hill which the locals use regularly. There are rumors of those who go in without knowing their way disappearing without ever surfacing again, the nature of which is generally enough to keep outsiders from using them.
Twilight Valley
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At the northeastern edge of the Sestrala Commonwealth, the Wild Vale forest ends in an abrupt cliff edge. There are switchback trails leading down if one knows where to look, enabling a long climb down into the forest floor again. Below that cliff, the trees change from redwood varieties and towering evergreens to birch and silver aspen, thin trunks and fingerling branches that barely blot out the sky above even at the height of summer. The Twilight Valley nearly glows in the night, the trees otherworldly by the light of the stars. They are serene and quiet as well, with birds rarely calling and a sense of waiting constantly hanging in the air. The ground is soft and giving, easily dug into, and many residents of the Sestrala Commonwealth plant secret personal gardens in the soft loam. The Twilight Valley stretches into the regions beyond As'dra, and as such is carefully guarded as another open border in the Commonwealth. it's rumored that through the Twilight Valley, the secretive people of Sestrala gain access to trade sources in the Beyond, giving them unique power in the mercantile circles of As'dra. Whether this is the truth or another fiction put up to protect the secrets of their wood, only the Sestrala natives know for sure.
The Wild Vale
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Covering the majority of Sestrala Commonwealth but especially thick in the south and western regions of the kingdom, the Wild Vale is unforgiving and tangled. Made up of old evergreen trees, the thick trunks and bristling canopy make the forest floor dark, allowing for the abundant growth of well-shaded shrubbery and brambles. The flora of the kingdom is wildly diverse, with different parts of the Wild Vale being prone to different kinds of weather and allowing the growth of different plants at different elevations. The gentle rise and fall of the slopes of the Vale sometimes break into steeper hikes, interspersed with still ponds and trickling brooks throughout. The Wild Vale is a place where it can be raining in the trees ten feet away and remain dry where you stand, and storms can be followed or avoided. The Wild Vale is almost impossible to traverse without either a guide or enough experience in path finding, which leads most outsiders to shy away from the treeline and keep mostly to the Kingsroad, which is the one cleared path for everyone to use. While there are trails webbed throughout the foliage, they are all overgrown and harder to follow. However, it's quite rewarding to learn them if you're a frequent visitor or a native, as they can cut travel time in half and lead you to all sorts of interesting secrets hidden in the trees.
The Kingsroad
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The Kingsroad is a wide path with laid stones to help prevent deep mud from causing trouble with the merchant's carts frequently passing through. Lined on either side with the thick redwoods of the Wild Vale, it is long but fairly straightforward in nature, heading through to the Redwood Keep. It is the only path in the kingdom large enough to have a wagon on it, in addition to being the only road in the kingdom at all. Most of the traffic of those who are not native to Sestrala happens on the Kingsroad, while those who live in the kingdom are more likely to take the web of foot trails through the Wild Vale. Merchants are just as likely to call out to their fellow travelers in hopes of making a sale as they are to stop and set up camp to the side of the path, though the latter is frowned upon by the natives except in designated areas. There are dedicated camping points for those traveling slowly through the kingdom, places where the path widens, and it is here that mini markets spring up wherever merchants can find room, though the guards who keep the peace here also ensure that there is space for travelers and families to camp as well, as necessary.
Sestrala Commonwealth
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