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Site Systems Overview

Fernweh is intended to be as freeform or as intensive as each player desires. Because we understand that every person has a different amount of time to play, and because everyone has a different playstyle, the majority of Fernweh’s site systems are optional. In private threads, players are welcome to write with as much or little system involvement as they desire. Public threads vary based on the nature (ex: fight threads), and whether or not the involved players are in agreement about using site systems.

Note: The Traveling and Breeding system guidelines are always required, and may not be bypassed.

Required System Usage
There are certain instances in which using site systems are always required. These scenarios include, but may not be limited to:
  1. Board-Wide Plots
  2. Official fights
  3. Yggdrasil-favor triggered events
  4. Random events for opt-in expecting parents
  5. Threads in which players do not agree about whether or not to use systems

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