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Magick Classes Overview
  1. Mages may wield up to two magickal classes.
    1. Characters over two years old must choose their mage classes (or lack thereof) prior to acceptance
  2. Each class has a set of Passive Abilities that can be used freely and usually come fairly easily to the mage.
  3. Specialized Abilities are more difficult to wield, and using them repeatedly will put a character at risk for burnout.
    1. A mage can wield all three specialized abilities in their primary mage class.
    2. A mage must choose one specialized ability for their secondary mage class.

Magick Classes

Air Magick (Aeromancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Manipulate air temperature around them
    2. Create or remove wind
    3. Create clouds and rain
    4. Bolster their own speed
    5. Can breathe at higher altitudes
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Fumage: Can conjure & manipulate smoke
    2. Vacuum: Can create a small vacuum, capable of concealing sound within the bubble or removing the air (or both)
    3. Forecaster: Can foresee & manipulate existing weather

Earth Magick (Geomancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Tough skin i.e. more difficult to injure, can survive falls from greater heights
    2. Vibration sensation - can feel nearby movement
    3. Can speed growth of plants
    4. Can soften rock, harden sand, and turn earth into mud/quicksand
    5. Create sandstorms
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Transmodify: Can expand & manipulate existing materials/compounds (glass, metal, crystal, clay, wood)
    2. Green Thumb: Can increase/magnify growth of plants, can manipulate plant movement
    3. Lava Surge: Can create and manipulate temporary lava

Water Magick (Hydromancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Manipulate water temperature around them
    2. Raise or lower water levels
    3. Purify water for drinking (includes remove salt from seawater)
    4. Freeze water or melt ice
    5. Can hold their breath for longer periods of time
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Healing Water: Can speed healing of injuries and soothe pain
    2. Winter's Frost: Can create snow, blizzards, and ice storms
    3. Tidefall: Can manipulate ocean tides, currents, and waves

Fire Magick (Pyromancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Resistant to heat & smoke
    2. Can conjure and manipulate minor flames
    3. Can change the color of a flame
    4. Can increase or decrease the temperature around them
    5. Doesn't burn easily
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Tephrakinesis: Can manipulate and solidify ash from burned substances
    2. Lava Plume: Can conjure and manipulate lava, and solidify it into obsidian
    3. Divination: Can read fires for prophecies/visions/insights

Weather Magick (Meteoromancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Can foresee & manipulate weather conditions
    2. Can conjure and calm storms
    3. Can conjure and manipulate auroras
    4. Resistant to weather conditions & cold/heat
    5. Can manipulate ocean tides & river currents
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Elektrokinesis: Can conjure lightning around them, using it to charge an attack or water, or can use it to teleport short distances
    2. Calamity: Can create and manipulate natural disasters (avalanches, earthquakes, wildfires, floods, hurricanes, tornados)
    3. Soldification: Can temporarily solidify weather phenomena

Aura Magick (Auramancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Can see magickal auras around living things
    2. Can manipulate/unblock chakra points & heal auras
    3. Can impact existing emotions, heightening or dampening them
    4. Can conceal their own aura from others
    5. Can detect lies more easily
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Energetic Pressure: Can explode their aura, leveling the area around them
    2. Healing Aura: Can pull the aura from living things around them to heal others (can only drain inanimate objects, plants, or creature NPCs)
    3. Manipulation: Can temporarily change the emotions of those around them, and convince them to believe a lie.

Blood Magick (Aimamancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Can generate and purify blood (used on injured/poisoned characters; cannot be used on self or other aimamancers)
    2. Heightened sense of smell, especially sensitive to noticing blood
    3. Can cast minor spells with blood emblems/symbols (ex: gust of wind, a flower blooming, & other minor magicks from other classes)
    4. Can conjure the sound of a heartbeat in someone's head
    5. Can create binding blood oaths
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Oblation: Can use a blood sacrifice to use the specialized ability of another class (or another aimamancy specialized ability)
    2. Blood Rite: Can use a character's blood (including their own) to see the future of an individual or group/place; can call a passed-on spirit and communicate with them
    3. Blood Ward: Can create a blood ward to protect from individuals or groups
  3. Additional Note: Blood magick is by far and large the most unpredictable of the magicks, and makes its user especially susceptible to burnout if they aren’t careful.

Dark Magick (Umbramancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Can manipulate shadows around them
    2. Can see in total darkness
    3. Can see further in the dark
    4. Can charge a runestone to use a passive from another magick class (one use, then has a recharge cooldown)
    5. Can temporarily restrain a character with shadow bindings
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Astral Projection: Can temporarily split their consciousness from their body, using it to send long distance messages or spy on others
    2. Void Walker: Can use the void realm to store and retrieve small objects; can teleport brief distances through the void
    3. Shadow Vacuum: Can conjure shadows to form a vacuum or shield

Illusion Magick (Illusiomancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Natural affinity for casting glamour
    2. Can create illusionary copies of small items
    3. Can create an illusionary animal familiar to deliver a message
    4. Can manipulate sounds around them
    5. Can temporarily change eye color/coat color
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Absolute Illusion: Can generate realistic illusions/scenes and implant them into the minds of those around them in a radiu
    2. Phantom Pain: Can wield illusionary weapons against others to cause pain without injury
    3. Illusive Appearance: Can project a copy or copies of themselves (including voice) in a radius

Celestial Magick (Stellamancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Can manipulate dreams & nightmares
    2. Can send messages at distance via dreams
    3. Can get advanced knowledge of BWPs by reading the stars
    4. Can manipulate personal gravity to push or pull nearby objects
    5. Can create mini stars around them
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Starport: Can use conjured stars to teleport short distances
    2. Cosmic Dust: Can conjure a gaseous cosmic cloud around them that is poisonous to non-celestial mages
    3. Blackout: Can cause a temporary total blackout in a radius around them

Biota Magick (Biotamancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Has a natural affinity for growing plants
    2. Wildlife is less likely to react to their presence with fear or aggression
    3. Can increase/manipulate the growth of existing plants
    4. Can temporarily control the actions of small NPC creatures
    5. Can create magick-imbued poultices that enhance healing
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Root Shield: Can create a spherical shield of roots around themselves or another individual that blocks damage and magick. Roots will have a Heavy Armor Class with Young Adult HP and can be targeted to destroy
    2. Medwitch: Can fully heal a recent injury or illness (once per thread, healing thread must occur within 3 days of obtaining injury). System-induced near-death events can be healed using the healing system
    3. Transmutation: Can temporarily take on the form of another creature (same size or smaller than their own species)

Anti-Magick (Antimancy)
  1. Passive Abilities:
    1. Immune to mental magicks
    2. Doesn’t have a visible magickal aura
    3. Have one extra stat point on joining that can be applied to strength or dexterity
    4. Can banish/dissolve magickally created items/glamours/illusions
    5. Can temporarily feel no pain once per thread
  2. Specialized Abilities:
    1. Spellbreaker: Can destroy nearby physical magicks/projectile magicks within their line of sight, and can destroy personal wards
    2. Siphon: Can temporarily siphon magickal power from other characters (may weaken or temporarily nullify, requires dice roll or other player permission)
    3. Nullification: Can create a bubble of magick resistance around them in a radius while stationary. Characters inside the bubble can still wield magick
  3. Additional Note: Unable to use magick (outside of world magick), and cannot have a second mage class.

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