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As’dra’s primary resident is that of the lion — these large feline predators have renewed life in a land with lore and mystery waking imagination in the young and old alike. Generations have since passed since the lion first called these lands their home. Homes that started small, and blossomed from saplings into full blown trees with ever reaching roots.

Realms are their homes.

Laying claim to a large portion of As’dra’s territory, there are currently five different realms that a lion may seek residence (or citizenship) within. These five realms are: Sun Dynasty, The Endless Horizon, Eyirath Kingdom, Uddegana Province, and Sestrala Commonwealth.

What makes a realm, you might ask?
  1. Realms are empires that have, at a minimum, two kingdoms in an allegiance.
    1. One of those kingdoms houses the capital city, while the other is a settlement led by a member of the capital city’s council.
    2. Additional kingdoms may be created, or vassalized, under the banner of a realm.
  2. Unless during war-time, realms hold an open border policy which allows travelers to enter their boundaries for various reasons — some may be there on a journey to a location, while others are there to sell or purchase the goods the realm offers.
  3. There are, however, guards in each realm that ensure behavior of these visitors is kept polite and well-mannered. You can assume that your character has had their visitation purpose questioned by them.
  4. Realms have a large number of residents. Each city houses the majority of the population, but residents live throughout their lands. You can assume that the streets are alive and bustling with the noise of NPCs — just as a medieval kingdom would be in our world.
    1. Housing of the citizens is not, however, to be trespassed on and would be considered a crime.
Key Terms
  1. A Realm is the allegiance empire that a group of civilians are housed within. Realms are vast territories that control two or more settlements, or kingdoms. It is ruled by a primary leader and their council.
  2. A settlement is, at bare minimum, a village that consists of numerous civilians in a single location that is further governed by a member of a Realm’s council. Settlements can vary in size, ranging from the aforementioned village to that of a city, trading port, and so forth.
    1. Settlements typically house numerous professions that a character may partake in, and are frequently visited by travelers for differing reasons (be it a stop along a laborious journey, or for goods that could only be found locally).
  3. A capital city houses the settlement governed by a Realm’s primary leader. It is regarded as the area where the majority of a Realm’s population resides, and is a well established port. A capital city is typically flourishing with activity.
  4. Primary leader is the crowned royal that heads the council that operates the Realm in its entirety. Although settlements have their own structure, a Realm’s leader outranks them and everyone who stands in their lands. They have final say in the running of their Realm.
    1. The primary leader is supported further by a council. See Ranks for further details.
Laws of As'dra

Principal to all that traverse As’dra’s lands is the laws that allows balance — fracturing the swinging pendulum oft leads to a grizzly end. Realms (and furthermore, the individual settlements within) have their own terms to abide by as well that can be located on their respective information pages.

These laws are considered common knowledge. If your character is neither a local, nor has resided in As’dra for a lengthy time, it can be assumed that an NPC guard has explained proper behaviors when entering any realm.
  1. A realm in states of duress, such as war, famine or trial of murder, requires sanctioned border crossings only. Majority of individuals will be denied entry unless they are primary residents.
  2. No physical crimes, such as murder, assault and theft of property. Threats of violence are dependent on the realm and rank of the individual threatened; those against leadership and nobility will have lasting effects across the realm.
  3. If caught with slander or perjury, there are consequences.
  4. Inhumane treatment of subjects underneath a realm's allegiance may result in interference by other realms. Thus, a realm shall not take on more residents than it can sustain.
  5. It is required for official medics of As’dra to wear Yggrasil’s flower — a symbol that could be worn anywhere on the body, such as a necklace. This notates their occupation and it is illegal for any individual to harm a medic, including in times of war. Doing so is considered an act of war.

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