Hello There, Guest! Register
Thank you for your interest in joining our community. Before you decide whether we are the right fit for you, please thoroughly read our informative Guidebook. Any questions you may have could be answered within them. If the answer is not found, we welcome you to direct any questions or concerns towards our staff team through Discord or our Inquires forum.

By participating on our forum, you have agreed to abide by the following terms:

OOC Courtesy
  1. Fernweh strives to be a safe, welcoming community. Participants regardless of status—guest, member, and staff—are expected to be courteous towards their fellow members. Respect, compromise, communicate.
    1. Concerning disagreements, we expect mature communication between individuals. Do not seek confrontation with the intentions of an argument. Instead, approach to inform, discuss, and compromise. If uncomfortable with approaching, we encourage contacting a staff member regarding the situation. As an outside perspective, staff may not be able to mediate every situation, but may assist in advice to remedy discourse. Report incidences of the following without hesitation: discrimination, harassment, rule breaches.
    2. Needing to vent is understandable; doing so with malicious intent is not. Do not publicly vent or attack another individual unable to defend themselves via communication with other person(s) not involved. Remain civil and be respectful to everyone. Take a step back if need be.
      1. Public vents surrounding a situation on site, or with individual(s) present, are not permitted under any circumstances.
      2. Private vents between friends must remain as such. Should an individual feel the situation is dire (or along the lines of the aforementioned incidences in Rule #1 A), contact a staff member privately. Threats are counted as harassment.
      3. Discord chats (group, server, etc) outside the official Fernweh server are not public, and run by the discretion of the creator(s). Rule #1 A still abides if referencing Fernweh, or in terms of discrimination or harassment.
  2. Fernweh has a flexible rating; we allow anywhere between PG-13 to Mature content. Use appropriate warnings via tagging [M] for Mature or [TW] for Trigger Warning in the beginning of thread titles or disclaimers above the profile’s content. We do not allow Explicit content (such as porn, etc). As we permit mature content, we require members to be 18 years or older.
    1. Disallowed themes: underage sexual content (any character under the sexual maturity of 2 years).
    2. These themes may be present in history, but must not be the perpetrator of the crime and must not be a graphic depiction. Rape/non-con is strictly a “fade-to-black” situation that is discouraged used for “plot” purposes, but permitted if done respectfully. Treat these subjects respectfully.
    3. A character may not have the above themes as a criminal goal.
  3. Regarding roleplay etiquette, it is expected that members have an understanding of the basics; do not powerplay, god-mode, meta-game or retcon. Understand that in character beliefs do not translate to player beliefs, including thoughts, relationship, and so forth. Allow IC conflicts to remain IC. If uncomfortable with a certain theme, communicate with your respective thread partner (see Rule #1 for elaboration).
  4. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Drawing inspiration from works is acceptable, but direct copying is not. Do not take credit for another person’s work! This includes writing, graphics/artwork, and coding. If you are uncertain whether it is okay to use a person’s work, ask them for permission prior to doing so.
  1. Fernweh operates with an automatic activity checker. Activated character accounts (those who have been accepted and moved to appropriate groups) will be checked every 90 OOC days for 1 IC post (OOC posts do not count towards this).
    1. Players have access to a Hiatus group should they desire a break from a specific character for a maximum of 5 consecutive OOC months. This ensures that a character is noted around the group similar to an NPC. We encourage those on Hiatus status to fill out the “Safe Assumptions” field on your profile.
    2. Deactivated characters have a maximum of 14 OOC days to be reactivated to maintain their position. Following the 14 OOC days it can be assumed they have left the area.
      1. We encourage communication with leadership to give opportunities for reasoning of the above (e.g. sent on a mission for xyz reason).
  2. A day in real life is a day in As’dra.
    1. See our Traveling system.
    2. Threads may be forward or backdated by a maximum of 7 OOC days.
  3. If there are multiple characters within a thread, respect the appropriate posting order. In joining and high tension threads, you may skip if 5 days have passed. Otherwise, seek permission first.
  4. No OOC posts in IC areas. This includes “saving”/“reserving” posts.
  5. Minimum word count for in-character posts is 75 words. We encourage players to mirror and communicate with new writing partners, and support short, rapid-fires and longer content posts with both focusing on character development.
    1. E.g: All Welcome thread opening is 250~ words with a player you have not written with yet, try to match the length, or ask if it is OK to write shorter or longer.
    2. Writing preferences can be added to OOC profiles in the “Bio” field.
Graphics & Coding
  1. Although we allow mature content, all images must be PG. No sexual suggestive images and no heavy gore (blood is OK).
  2. Fernweh has two optional images to place in profiles:
    1. Avatars are 250px wide and 250px in height.
    2. Profile banners are 1300px wide and 150px in height.
    3. Resource thread for custom profile CSS coming soon.
  3. HTML is enabled for all accepted accounts. Please do not use hover or tab coding to hide the main portion of the post. Hovers and tabs are alright if it is for aesthetic, or lyrics, but the post should always be visible.
    1. Members are encouraged to speak up if the coding is difficult to read. Aesthetics should not come before readability. Make sure they are not: low contrasting (silver colored font on a white background); under 11px font size; all lowercase or uppercase; using script fonts for the main portion or speech (decorative text such as lyrics is OK).
    2. Please do not change the forum’s layout in any way other than colors and images. Removal of scrollbars, navigation or rearranging the profile’s set up is strictly forbidden.
  4. Artwork is commissioned at the risk of the client/artist. Fernweh administration absolves responsibility for purchases between private parties and will not mediate. Monetary artwork, coding, etc, may not be advertised on site.
    1. Administration has the right to deny permissions of art studio access on Discord and site if scams, theft, or otherwise malicious intentions, are found.
    2. If you choose to commission an artist who also happens to be a member on our site, Fernweh is not responsible for loss of money on either side.
  5. Members may use .GIF images in OOC areas and profiles so long as they don't include constant flashing, loop smoothly, and do not break the above maturity rule. Keep them under 5 per page. .GIFs may be linked in IC posts, but not directly coded.

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