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Site Intention
Fernweh has been built to cater to the casual, adult roleplayer, who may have a full-time job, a family, or real-life pressures that aren’t conducive to an intense roleplay game. The overarching goal is to have fun writing a collaborative story, and we hope to see the community embrace that mentality; there are many more freedoms available to players than on other feral RPGs that may seem overwhelming at first. This page outlines and explains some of those freedoms and how they might apply to your characters, plots, and writing style.

Like any civilized society, the inhabitants of As’dra have a bustling economic system. Most deals are made by trading items of value or labor, but gold, silver, and other precious metals are often also used as currency. Traveling merchants are a vital part of this system, and most are welcome to freely travel between the realms.

Citizens of As’dra can have any sort of profession imaginable: banker, bartender, merchant, librarian, farmer, lawyer—if you can apply it to the game world, then your only limit is your own imagination!

Citizenship & Politics
With As’dra’s long history, characters have the potential to have lived in a realm for generations; perhaps they’ve recently immigrated from another realm, or have come from another world entirely. Depending on a character’s rank/occupation within a realm, it isn’t abnormal to know of their government’s leadership without ever meeting the heads of state. This varies by realm culture; more information can be found on realm pages.

Most established characters in As’dra own some form of property, or their family does. Be it a small house on a bustling street to an open estate with acres of land, players are free to imagine any setting they like for their characters to call home. Characters may also own taverns, shops, hotels, and other trade-related buildings. Those who live near the sea or travel the channels may even own a boat.

Travel within the realms that make up As’dra is generally fairly safe. Streets are often policed by local guard, the borders are protected, and the laws are upheld. Crossing into ungoverned territories, however, can be rather dangerous; characters are highly encouraged to travel in groups to ward off the lawless of As’dra. Whilst the laws that govern As’dra as a whole still apply in the unclaimed territories, it is a lot easier in these areas to get away with breaking them. Loot and pillage at your own risk.

The world of As’dra is bustling with life far beyond the characters that are being played by writers. It can be safely assumed that there are NPC characters filling up public spaces at typical hours, that guards are on duty around points of interest, and that the world is generally full of the type of life you might expect to see in a medieval society. Players are free to use NPCs as much or as little as they desire in their own threads; you can even NPC your character’s family members or other important figures that may appear frequently or infrequently in their lives. You can interact with NPC characters running a shop, waiting a table, or doing any other manner of activity. The only restriction is that NPCs cannot be used for any sort of gain or advantage over other characters without their consent.

Players are free to do nearly anything on Fernweh, so long as they have the consent of whomever they are writing with. We highly encourage open discussion and plotting with your fellow writers, and working together to create a story you mutually want to tell! We hope that players embrace a cooperative playstyle and we can’t wait to see how As’dra grows with the combination of creative minds.

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