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New additions to As’dra are a welcomed feat for expecting parent(s). Players on Fernweh may continue their character’s bloodlines through our Breeding system. Like our other systems, aspects of our Breeding system are inherently optional, to allow players the choice on how they wish for their plot(s) to unfold. There are, however, certain requirements that must be fulfilled to meet the minimum requirements for hands-off litters.

Species outside of lions follow the same requirements. Gestation time-periods and “litter” size, however, may differ from their feline-counterparts.

Players can submit their requests here.
  1. Seasons and weather have a high likelihood of impacting the success of couplings. Major events, such as BWP, can cause an increase or decrease in how many cubs might be a part of a litter.
  2. Through World Magick, the realms have knowledge of the number of cubs a place can accommodate (character cap).
  3. Gestation periods last 90 days.
  4. There is no post or time requirement to apply for a litter. Parent(s), however, are subjected to random events that may affect the chances of success either positively or negatively throughout the pregnancy.
    1. In order to opt-out of random event rolls, all active parents must have the minimum of 35 IC posts on their account.
      1. If player(s) chose to opt-out, a litter may have a maximum of two cubs (pending realm capacity).
    2. Due to the nature of random event rolls, the size of a litter will not be shared until halfway through a character’s pregnancy. The common litter size is two cubs, wherein four to five children are rare.
    3. For a litter to reach 100% survival rate, the carrying parent must have a minimum of 20 IC posts by due-date.
    4. A player is limited to bringing an expecting character in once every 6 OOC months. This is from audition date, and pending success of the litter. Submissions for a litter must be requested prior to their acceptance.
  5. Parent player(s) have the choice of whether they wish for physical traits of children to be randomized, or to customize their children.
    1. If parent player(s) opt for random rolls, they must keep the result.
  6. Same-sex and asexual reproduction are permitted.
  1. Hybrid litters follow Hybrid rules.
  2. Unlike same-species couplings, they may not opt-out of event checks.
  3. Fertility rates of the offspring bore from a hybrid litter will be determined alongside litter size.
LGBTQIA+ Breeding

Yggdrasil is an inclusive being, meaning that characters of denominations other than cisgender and heterosexual may have biological children of their own. Whilst characters not native to As’dra may be unaware of this process and what it entails, those who have been born here consider it a normal and natural part of the world. Please keep in mind that regardless of the method of conception, a child can only have a maximum of two biological contributors to their DNA.

To conceive this way, couples* must both have the desire to have children, and visit Yggdrasil together to complete a ritual.
  1. First, both characters give an offering of their own blood onto the roots of Yggdrasil.
  2. If Yggdrasil accepts their offering (i.e. successful conception), an Yggdrasil flower will bloom from the blood for the characters to collect.
  3. When the flower wilts, it signifies that they must return to Yggdrasil, where the tree hollow will open for them (or another blood relation/otherwise OOC intention for someone else to collect them) and reveal the child(ren).
    1. Alternatively, in the case of characters with wombs, they have the option to eat the flower when it blooms, and they will become pregnant.
*Characters without a partner may also conceive on their own using this method.
Event Checks

Those who either chose to opt-into event checks, or those who have not met the posting requirements to opt-out of them, are subjected to pregnancy checks. These checks may affect the survival rate of the litter, so please take this into account and ensure all parties involved are aware that loss of a litter is possible.

Despite that warning, event checks for pregnancies are not all gloom and doom. They also come with benefits! Every month (through the three month gestation period), every pregnant character that is opt-in will receive a roll check in our RNG fates forum.

The first check can effect the following:
  1. Litter size (increase, decrease)
  2. Survival Chance
  3. Mutations
The second check will be at the halfway mark and will reveal:
  1. Litter size after another survival check
The third, final check will be near the due date of the litter:
  1. Parent(s) will select either rolled traits or player-chosen

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