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Leadership Guide

A vital role in functioning realms is the few that stand before As’dra’s citizens to lead. Not all leadership have chosen their path, for the majority have been born into it. Political games start early, and continue throughout the life of those destined to follow that of nobility. As’dra’s leaders maintain their role until death, or retirement. Under rare circumstances, however, chaotic shifts in As’dra could lead to a slippery slope and desynchronize the path the citizens know.

The family blood that traditionally leads respective roles and their allies around them have a mighty influence on the realm’s residents — often bolstering them during difficult times, or becoming the target of their ire. It is important for the figureheads to maintain a good reputation with their people.

Those well treasured by their people have birthdays celebrated in the streets in grand festivals; they weep alongside their leader at the loss of a child; they fight side-by-side, ready to undertake treacherous challenges. While those with poorer reputation lead to whispers in the wind; underlying tension that could fracture the fragile peace.

Just as medieval kingdoms in our world, however, despite differences in political gains, the majority must follow the beck of their leadership and be their sword, their gatherers, and their healers while suffering their growing, mental rainstorm out of fear of treason to the crown.

All individuals underneath the Leadership tier automatically gain the “Leader” perk.


As a leader, you have additional responsibilities to maintain the status as quo in order to keep a functioning, healthy realm.
  1. Every first Saturday of a calendar month, the administration team will check leadership for their activity. During this check, a character in a leadership role must have written at least 10 IC posts in joining or All Welcome threads during the previous month's period.
    1. A leadership character may not be on hiatus for a whole check period to ensure priority is given to the character with higher responsibilities.
      1. To prevent burnout, however, a player is allowed one month of the year to place their leadership character on hiatus while keeping their other characters active if they chose.
      2. In case of IRL situations, contact the administration ASAP. Posting requirements may be waived, or a compromise agreed upon.
  2. The “Safe Assumption” field on a leadership character is required to be filled out.
    1. This may be updated to explain any OOC absences a player may have during longer periods of no posts.
  3. Every other month, the leadership team must complete a newsletter. It will count towards the posting requirements of those who have written it.
    1. Any information written in these newsletters will be considered “common knowledge” to those who live around the respective area. News from the capital cities, however, may travel further.
  4. Promotions are typically done by the primary leader of a realm or settlement (unless said primary leader gives permission for a secondary, etc, leader to do so). These are done IC. Promotions are counted as major events.
    1. Ideas for promotions may be: parties celebrating the newly acquired role, smaller gathering of peers, or one-on-one conversations that lead into newsletter announcements.
    2. It is important to promote those within noble allied families and those that can assist with leadership responsibilities, such as interviewing potential new citizens.
  5. Demotions are similar in which high rank individuals being denounced is a major event. Casting ill reputation onto an individual (and by extension, their family) may cause unrest. Demotions must be done IC and the reasons behind them must also be IC. The leader performing the demotion must be aware of the reasoning beforehand — for example: OOC assumptions such as knowing they committed a crime OOCly but were not caught IC means they cannot be demoted without that IC knowledge.
    1. Reasons for them may be, but not limited to:.
      1. Lack of performance at their role, especially with a similar tier character outperforming them, and thus getting promoted while the original got demoted.
      2. Accusation of a crime.
      3. Disrespect of a superior.

Acquiring a Leadership Position

Political connections are the fuel that burns brightest to acquire a leadership position. An individual often must be from a noble family, perform well at their original duties, and become an irreplaceable chess piece to the primary leader of a capital city or settlement.

As per the Ranks page, to become primary leader is commonly only through a hierarchical system in which should the original leader be unable to continue their job, the next in line that is deemed fit to rule will take their position.

Leadership roles are subjected to terms made by the primary leader through IC situations. There are no site system-wide “rank challenges”, however leaders may judge their wants for ranks based on different factors. Fighting may be one of them.

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