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General Character Rules
  1. There is currently no hard-limit to how many characters a player may have on Fernweh, however, there is a soft-limit that players must abide by; the first five accepted characters are auditioned free, and following that, each character must have a minimum of 15 IC posts before the next will be accepted.
  2. Players may have a maximum of two vagabonds played at any given time.
    1. If this threshold is exceeded through in-character interaction — such as a character denouncing their affiliation with a realm — players will be given 30 OOC days to begin a new thread with a character of theirs joining a realm.
    2. Should the player fail to at least create this thread, their recently denounced character will be moved to inactivity.
    3. Creatures are included in this clause.
  3. Thus, players are given two options in the auditioning form in relation to joining realms. You may choose to join “behind-the-scenes”, or you may choose to create an in-character thread in the settlement of choice to have your character go through the interviewing process live.
    1. See additional details on our How To Join page.
  4. Accessories are permitted if:
    1. They are natural-looking, such as bracelets made of flowers, or;
    2. They are medieval in appearance.
    3. Modern pieces, such as tech-based, are not permitted. Ask an administrator if you’re uncertain.
  5. Non-Lion characters are permitted. They must follow the terms in this page — with the exception of Maturity, given other species might age differently. Other species must be those found IRL on Earth. Fantasy-based and extinct species are prohibited.
    1. Species cannot cross-species breed, unless they can naturally IRL. See our Creatures & Hybrids page for further details, such as Panthera hybrids.
  1. Maturity is broken into different stages in a lion's journey. This can be, in addition, a reference to assist with other species that are similar. The stages are: cub, adolescent, young adult, adult, and elder.
  2. Cubs are 0 months to 6 months of age.
    1. Cubs are vulnerable to harsh environments, especially when curious of their new surroundings, and must be watched diligently by their parents and caretakers. It should be assumed that settlements themselves are heavily protected, and unlikely for a child to be harmed by outside sources. Neutral territories, however, are a different story.
    2. Cubs may be roleplayed upon their birth, but players are given the option of NPC (aka Hiatus status) for cubs until they are 6 months of age.
    3. They are dependent on the care of their parents and dedicated caretakers during this stage.
    4. At two weeks old, cubs are able to walk more freely, and at four weeks of age, they are fairly mobile and active — but one can assume a cub spends most of their time sleeping.
  3. Adolescents are 6 months to 2 years of age.
    1. Though still young, adolescents are less dependent on their parents and may take further adventures out into the world without them. Still they are unlikely to be outside of the realm they’ve thus grown up in until they reach the fledgling stage of a year.
    2. It is important during these years for an adolescent to become a ward of another, and they might attempt various apprenticeships until they find a field that they wish to pursue. Some parents choose to raise their children on their own, and it is during this period they would teach the basics of surviving in As’dra.
    3. Their voices start to change close to 1 year.
  4. Young adults are 2 years to 4 years of age.
    1. At two years of age, lions become sexually mature.
    2. Young adults are growing closer to their final height and weight, with shifting fats and musculature.
  5. Adults are 4 years to 12 years of age.
    1. These are the prime years of a lion’s life. They have grown to their full height and have built up muscles used in their every-day life.
  6. Elders are 13 years of age to death.
    1. Not all lions make it to their older years. Repeated physical and emotional stress puts a burden on the body. The less a lion has taken care of themselves, the less likely they’ll live to maximum age.
    2. Joints become stiff, and hair grays more rapidly. Lions in their elder years have slowed down from their prime.
    3. Injuries and illness risks are higher, as elders tend to heal slower.
Non-Playable Characters
  1. The world of As’dra is filled with residents of various trades and standing in every realm. Characters should actively reference this, and can notate NPCs in passing through basic interactions.
    1. NPCs cannot be abused, however, such as harming them without consequence — considering they would be citizens in the realm, they would be treated equally.
  2. Characters within the same settlement and “safe assumptions” filled out can be referenced if the post follows the guidelines the respective player has set for them. It is recommended that you tag the character when referencing them.
    1. This includes characters on Hiatus status.
  3. Border patrols are regular in every realm and especially tight along the borders of any given territory. These patrols would be unlikely to attack any traveler, but may stop any suspicious-appearing individuals, or in general, ask for what business they have here.

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