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Creatures & Hybrids

While Fernweh is focused primarily on lions, players may also create characters of any non-extinct species on earth.
  1. There are no location requirements for species, as As’dra and the world outside of it are fantasy creations — species may originate from Africa, Asia, etc.
  2. No extinct or fantasy species are permitted. E.g. dragon, griffin, cave lion.
  3. Longevity and size are dependent on the species itself. For example, a grey wolf can live up to 14 years in the wild, and average 2’6” to 2’8” at the shoulder.
    1. For size, however, it depends on what size they are to their species and not to lions. E.g. a grey wolf could be large, small, average, etc, for their species. A tiger can be petite or giant compared to the average size of fellow tigers, and so forth.
  4. Appearance rules follow the same requirements of our lion characters. Other species characters do not have to follow exact realism rules, and may have different markings, colorations, and mutations compared to their realistic counterparts.
    1. Mutations are only those unnatural for their species. E.g. a leopard would not hold the “leopard tail” mutation, and a crocodile would not need the “slitted eye” mutation.
  5. Differing species characters count as normal characters per slots and vagabond limits. Different species characters may join realms and may hold ranks dependent on the respective leader(s).
    1. Differing species characters may become settlement and secondary leaders but may not become primary realm leaders unless they are of a big cat species.
Other species' characters are still subjected to breeding requirements. See the Breeding page for further details.


Hybrid characters are also permitted on Fernweh. Hybrid characters are not limited to lion cross pairings.
  1. Hybrids are any species that could naturally procreate and create a mix of their species without human intervention. E.g. a lion x leopard, a lion x tiger, a horse x a zebra, etc.
    1. Small cats (African Wildcat, Bobcat, Jaguarundi, etc) cannot mate with big cats (Lion, Tiger, Jaguar, Leopard, etc).
    2. If uncertain whether a pairing could be possible, ask a member of our Admin team.
  2. There are no requirements to create a hybrid character. You do not have to create a leopard and find a lion pair to create a leopon, etc.
  3. Hybrids are subjected to a maximum of low fertility and may be infertile.
    1. Players may choose whether a character is low fertility or infertile when auditioning. This cannot be changed after acceptance.
    2. If a player wants a higher chance of fertility for their hybrid character, the staff may roll a dice to determine if they will have a higher chance, but it opens the eligibility of the dice rolling infertile.
    3. Default of low fertility is a 10% of breeding success. Infertile is a 0% chance. Through staff roll on auditioning and a roll chance for site born hybrids, the low fertility chance could be a maximum of 25% of breeding success.
  4. Hybrids follow our normal appearance rules and may take features from both/either parent.
  5. Hybrid characters count as normal characters per slots and vagabond limits. Hybrid characters may join realms and may hold ranks dependent on the respective leader(s).
    1. Hybrid characters may become settlement and secondary leaders but only big cat hybrid characters may become a primary realm leader.

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