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Magick System Overview
Characters in As’dra have the ability to wield magick in varying degrees. For those not born on site, Yggdrasil may bestow magick upon their crossing over As’dra’s borders, or modify existing magicks to fit within the world rules. How and when a character comes by their magick is entirely up to the player, but it will always be granted by Yggdrasil’s power and will. Fernweh’s magick system allows for a wide range of creativity, and players may use it to their heart’s content, but in the event that a character attempts to target another one with magickal abilities and the other player does not consent, it will trigger the fight system.

Terms and Definitions
  1. Burnout: when a mage uses their magick too extensively/quickly and causes harm to themselves; potential effects include losing consciousness, fever, inability to wield magick for a time following burnout, permanent loss of magick, and death; repeated burnouts increase the risk for more dire reactions
  2. Class: a subset used to describe a mage’s general range of abilities
  3. Glamour: a type of magickal illusion to disguise the traits or features of a character or object
  4. Mage: a character that wields one or two magickal classes
  5. Null: a character that has no magick
  6. Ward: a type of magickal protection that can be imbued on a character or item
  7. World Magick: the ambient magick that exists in As’dra, provided by Yggdrasil

Traits of Magick and Mages

  1. Power: Magick, as one can assume, comes in varying levels of power. Typically, that power is tied to time, training, and age. However, As'dra itself is imbued with magick, the creator of magick, and it controls magick in the end; it can give and it can take. Because As'dra does not like change, a special resource of power is tied to realm leaders; from the time a character becomes a realm leader to the time their reign ends, they receive a boost to their power. The range of their power is larger than that of other characters, the effects more impactful, and they have a particularly strong ability to utilize wards in defense of both themselves and their kingdoms.
  2. Glamour: All mages can utilize an effect known as glamour, which is a type of illusion that can conceal parts of themselves to others. Some examples of glamour include hiding the glow of one's eyes, concealing one's aura, or hiding one's magick entirely. Glamour is not infallible, and can be seen through by rolling a Wisdom Check against the character’s Armor Class.
  3. Wards: All mages are capable of creating wards to varying degrees. Wards are a form of protective spell that can be imbued on an item, location, or a character.
    1. Have an HP threshold equal to a cub's (Adolescents HP for Leader/Castle), but a high Armor Class (Heavy for everyone else, Very Heavy for Leader/Castle).
    2. Once a Ward's HP hits Zero, it goes on "cooldown" and cannot return for the duration of the fight.
    3. Wards reduce damage input taken by the individual or object it is imbued to. This reduction forms with a -1 debuff to all incoming attacks, and may stack up to 2 times for normal characters/objects, 3 times for leaders/castles, and 4 times for those with a medic pendant.

  1. Characters with the capability to wield magick are called mages. Not all characters are mages, and not all mages choose to embrace or train their powers.
  2. Oftentimes, but not always, a mage's eyes will glow when they call upon their magick. Some choose to hide this with glamour.
  3. Most mages can sense when another character wields magick. This is not always the case, however, and can be impacted by abilities and glamour.
  4. In general, mages can usually also sense when an item or place is imbued with some kind of magick, but this can also be impacted by abilities and wards.
  5. If a character possesses a token imbued with a realm's blessing (ex: medic pendant), any other character who can see them can sense it, regardless of if that character is a mage or not.
  6. Magick does not manifest in youth until they are at least 6 months old, but powers can remain dormant for an indeterminate number of years. In general, most powers begin to appear sometime between 6 months and 2 years old.
  7. The younger and less experienced a mage is, the more difficult their magick will be to control. Just like any other muscle, magick must be trained and taught control and endurance.

World Magick
Some minor magicks are able to be used by all characters, whether they are a mage or not. These are basic quality of life magicks, such as the ability to open/close doors, turn the pages of a book, write, pick up an item, etc. Basically, if you would need thumbs to perform an action, it can be done using world magick. This magick is provided by As’dra itself, and all characters may use it freely.

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