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The Rift
Cracking the earth from the Pass of Tomorrow all the way down to the Willowglen, the Rift is a gorge so deep that from the top, one cannot see the stream trickling through the bottom. The water is shallow, barely enough to cover the paws, but getting down there is the tricky bit. The Rift is steep, the sides sheer cliff almost the whole way up. There are very few safe ways to travel down, and most don't bother; going around the rift will eventually allow for a gentler slope to climb down near the Willowglen, and a bridge has been built across it to allow easier traversal. From the bottom, it's easier to peer up at the cave walls and even climb a bit before things start getting too steep. The sight of caves in the walls of the ravine is a strange one, but the tunnels exist, opening up and looping on each other in a confusing mess that could have someone lost for days before finding the surface again. Speculation that they were made by some creature tunneling through the earth runs rampant in certain communities, while others assume they're a natural formation. Some say the Rift and its caves were both created as a result of a huge magickal backlash, and others tout this as a children's fable. No one knows for sure whether the caves had any purpose, or how the Rift formed.
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Silent Flats
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To the east, the rolling hills of Golden Dew Rise and the marshy waters of the Willowglen give way abruptly to the desolation of the Silent Flats. Called such because the sound of paw on salt is so quiet that no movement can be heard, the flats are several hundred roots wide and even longer than that to the north and south, reaching from the Rift all the way to Ludic Straight. The southern beach is frequently used to load ships, with smaller boats lining the shore to bring goods from the mainland out to Farryn's Isle or vice versa. Nothing grows here, as every inch of arable land has been covered in a layer of salt thick enough to bury a lion. The sun shines harshly off the surface, giving many the mirage of far-away water that never grows closer as they travel. The eastern edge of the Silent Flats is entirely bordered by cliffs, save one place to the north, where the salt flats give way enough for a dirt path to form up the cliffs to Teggedel. A cluster of larger rocks providing shelter and shade as a temporary rest stop just before the path. To the southeast, in the shadow of the cliffs, the bones of a massive serpentine creature can be seen settled on top of the salt layer. Its fangs alone are taller than the largest lions; no one is certain what the behemoth was, or if any still live.
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Towering above the land in the Rift at the very heart of As'dra, north of Golden Dew Rise and just northeast of the Eyirath Kingdom's Issan Estate, Yggdrasil watches from overhead. A goliath unlike any other tree in any kingdom, its deep umber bark has veins of birch white in the grain, going up as far as the eye can see--which is not to the top of the tree, as Yggdrasil's highest canopy cannot be seen from the ground beneath it. The trunk itself has grown crooked, leaning and turning as a flower does when it stretches toward the sun. The tree is so large that it can be seen and identified even from The Three Sisters in the north, on the very edges of As'dra; its sprawling branches flirt with passing clouds, disrupting their flow and often causing brief rain showers as it steals the water from them before those clouds move on. The rain showers are caused by the residual moisture steadily dripping through Yggdrasil's canopy onto the ground below, allowing grass and lush undergrowth to nestle near its roots. Though its leaves are wide and flat like many deciduous varieties across the land, they never fall in winter; Yggdrasil is perpetually full, lush and beautiful, with only the occasional leaf falling in ones and twos, which is considered a blessing from the tree by those that find them or see them fall. The roots are large, arching high and then sprawling out as they burrow deep underground.The occasional root can be found in far-flung corners of As'dra when the earth shifts, as though Yggdrasil is holding the land together.
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The Willowglen is beautiful to behold but difficult to traverse, made up of clustered willow and mangrove trees that are otherwise surrounded by water. The marshy area just below Yggdrasil is still a popular destination, as traveling along the roots of these massive trees is considered both sport and challenge. Alligators can be frequently seen basking in patches of sunlight that trickle through the reaching canopy, which makes the prospect of falling into the water unpleasant to say the least. The roots, arching up above the water's surface and providing some trails, are also frequently covered in moss. Careful is key, here; one wrong step could send you slipping straight into danger. Some consider the trip into the Willowglen worth it for other reasons, as there are a number of plants that also grow well in the humid climate that are useful for a variety of purposes. The pathways through the Willowglen are winding, with many dead ends and much back-tracking to be had as characters move closer to or farther from Yggdrasil. The trees grow in thicker clusters closer to the great tree, which makes the root paths longer--but that does not necessarily mean faster. In other places, the trees grow far enough apart that a brief swim is necessary to get between clusters. Throughout the marsh, there are also large gray stones, all of which are oddly polished smooth except where they are broken.
The Rift
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