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The Summer Sea
Sprawling from the eastern edge of Eyirath Kingdom and along the southern coast of As'dra as far as the eye can follow is the beautiful Summer Sea. This clear blue ocean is considerably warmer than its sister sea, with clearer, brighter waters seen from the shore and wildly different wildlife from the Howling Sea to the west. The Summer Sea boasts rough tides of its own, but the storms don't usually hit the shore very heavily, and the shallows are filled with colorful coral and vibrant tropical fish of all kinds. Though many of them are more poisonous as well, the fishing along the coast nearby is enough to keep most of the local communities very well-fed indeed. The sudden shift from the deep, dark and cold waters of the Howling Sea into the tropical temperatures within the Summer Sea likely contributes to the former's rage. In fact, most of the Summer Sea's turbulence can be found farther from shore, and deeper under the water, with volcanic activity occasionally happening on a small scale and sending fish fleeing into the reefs, or floating in atop the tides with their deaths. Residents of Eyirath Kingdom and the Endless Horizon have learned to keep watch on the water for these signs, for there are legends of something lying beneath that is of great interest to many from all five kingdoms--though what that may be, the stories vary wildly to describe. Other, more practical souls know that fishing will become more dangerous with the underwater volcanoes erupting, and watch for different reasons.
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Ludic Strait
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Ludic Strait is named for the first captain to steer his ship through the turbulent, shallow waters and circle Farryn's Isle. He proved it was possible to do more than swim through the clear waters, and made a name for himself in the process. The Ludic Strait remains more often a place for swimming rather than sailing, except for those smaller ships which ground themselves on the beaches of the Silent Flats. The waters remain turbulent, yet their crystal-clear surface allows folks to see all the way to the bottom all across the Strait; one doesn't even need to dive to observe the fish darting through coral. It's even possible to see the movement of the undertows that unwary swimmers may be caught in, if you're watching closely. Marine wildlife such as dolphins, sharks and orcas also swim these waters, only occasionally posing a threat to those attempting to make the crossing. The only exception to this rule is whales, as the water is too shallow for them to enter the area. The occasional youngling gets stranded there, most often hunted by the locals and considered a windfall. The coral reef that covers the bottom of the Strait, making it particularly dangerous to sail, occasionally offers a resting point for swimmers at low tide, as well as a beautiful, colorful look into what life under water is like. Separated from the summer sea by Farryn's Isle, the waters remain warm and inviting until late in the year, with winter storms making the waves even more dangerous.
Farryn's Isle
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The Summer Sea
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