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Wild Yonder
Nestled down between two peaks of the Skelmor mountain range, the winding valley known as the Wild Yonder is one of the only places in As'dra where outsiders from the north can reasonably make their way under Yggdrasil's sheltering branches to the Kingdoms of As'dra. The Skelmor Mountains block off a number of other passages through the mountains until you reach the western edges of the Three Sisters, leaving the Wild Yonder as the friendliest route. Rolling pine forest gives way to silver birch as the valley sprawls southward, the narrower paths between the mountains widening into snowy tundra right before travelers hit the Rift. No kingdom lay claim to this area as they would then have to police who traveled through it, though as the nearest kingdoms, both Uddegana Province and the Sestrala Commonwealth are both known to keep an eye on who comes and goes. The forests of the Wild Yonder are usually colorful even in winter. Though the forest is dense, there are a number of trees working as a part of the grander trailhead guiding through into the plains below the Skelmor Mountains. The ancient remnants of a much older path are overgrown now, but still make travel easier through the Wild Yonder. Hunting and gathering in this area is particularly lucrative, as many winter-fruiting blooms grow year round in the cold temperatures and the Wild Yonder serves as the mating ground of many different herds throughout the year.
Forums in 'Wild Yonder'
The Three Sisters
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The highest peaks of the Skelmor Mountain Range, which separates As'dra from the northern territories beyond, the Three Sisters sit slightly off-centered in a vague cluster with the tallest, nicknamed the Eldest, looking over the other two. The peak of the Eldest can be climbed for a good view of the surrounding area, if you're up for a couple hundred roots heading upward and onward for most of a day. The other two are still taller than their surrounding brethren, but fall short of the Eldest's sheer size. They make up for it in other ways, with one being dubbed the Roundest and another the Littlest Sister. Travel across the mountains takes longer than usual as the terrain is often difficult, but many tout the view afterward as something worth the climb. Looking out into the beyond or across all of As'dra is possible from even the shortest peak. Tales of the three sisters turned to stone for their actions spread far and wide from the region, even entering some more distant kingdoms as the peaks are tall enough to be seen from across As'dra. Eldest siblings around the world sympathize with the plight of the Eldest, who is forever looking after two mischievous younger siblings. Lovers all the way to Teggedell admire the Roundest who was also the most romantic, and adventurous cubs the world over are told the cautionary tale of the Littlest, who doomed her family.
Thesvern Hills
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South of the Wild Yonder and bordering the west side of the Wild Vale, the Thesvern Hills are covered in snow year-round. Neutral territory that bridges Sestrala Commonwealth and Uddegana Province, it sees frequent patronage by the people of both Kingdoms for a variety of reasons. Most often it's a fun time to unwind in the snow, though other deals happen as occasionally merchants will set up in the hills rather than traveling to either kingdom, specifically. These merchants are not usually above board, but they may have an intriguing item or two nonetheless, for the appropriately wary customer to haggle away. The hills are also known to be hollow, with barrows underneath to long-dead kings making up the majority of each hilltop. Treasure hunters may go digging here often, though rarely do they walk away with anything of worth when so many have come before. Nonetheless, it serves as something of a proving ground for those who are interested in the history of As'dra...and the treasures that await there. Most are wary of digging too far south in the Thesvern Hills, as its proximity to the Rift makes the caves and tunnels far more dangerous. In some instances, they crumble away into the darkness and leave not even an echo of the impact below.
Wild Yonder
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