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The Divide
Untamed and unforgiving to those who travel through it, the Divide sits squarely between the territories of the Sun Dynasty and Eyirath Kingdom. It has separated their borders since the beginning, though the size of the Divide has fluctuated over history as both kingdoms make forays into claiming more or less of the land. Both neighboring kingdoms often forage here, as the area is made up of thick foliage from underbrush to canopy and filled with a dazzling variety of flora and fauna. The rainforest that makes up the divide covers a little under three hundred square roots of neutral territory, sprawling south of the Phantom Veil all the way to the shores of Amaranthine Cove. Bamboo intersperses among various trees, both deciduous and coniferous alike. The divide is the densest part of the local jungle, with thick underbrush hiding a number of burrows that could break an unwary ankle or swallow up an unsuspecting cub. Any move to clear pathways often leads to a rise in tensions between the two kingdoms it separates, so it remains untouched, leaving only the brave or experienced to try their hand at gathering here. There are many rumors about The Divide among all the kingdoms, old legends and tales that imply a lost treasure to be found somewhere south of the Phantom Veil, but the tales are old enough that, with nothing found so far, they are often written off as hopeful stories for children.
Forums in 'The Divide'
Amaranthine Cove
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With smooth white rocks rising in a jagged arc from beneath the surface to provide a buffer against stronger tides, the Amaranthine Cove offers a reprieve from the ever-raging Howling Sea. Its waters are far calmer as they approach the shore, though remain choppy and dangerous on the farthest edges, and their gentle nature allows clearer vision into the depths below. Though the water remains cold as it washes in from the Howling Sea, the placid tides tempt many swimmers and fishers alike all the same. The fish within Amaranthine Cove are largely populated by those who were small enough to slip between the rocks, or were born in the safer waters and grew too fat to get out again. Their size can be prodigious, and fishing here is plentiful. Close to the shores near the Bloodwood, dark branches of coral can be found. Though they lack both the color and the vibrant residents of their Summer Sea cousins, the coral here thrives, the sands around them littered with tiny fish bones. While the occasional shark or other deep-ocean predator can be found, it is by no means a frequent event, allowing the residents of As'dra free reign in these waters.
Phantom Veil
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The largest pool of water running off from Firefly Grotto down the Om'at Tributary, bordered by cliffs in the north and the bustling foliage of the Divide's rainforest on all sides, the Phantom Veil is wide and deep. Some suspect a spring somewhere underneath in addition to the water from the falls to the north lend to its sheer size, but the source has never been proven. The water still retains some of the cold of Burnsul Freeze after its long journey, and fog frequently rolls across its surface, gathered from the mist of the roaring falls and lending humidity to a great deal of the surrounding area. It's a popular watering hole for local fauna and travelers alike, as the clear surface of the lake lacks impurities visible to the naked eye and stretches, clear blue and beautiful, for a hundred roots or more--as far as the eye can see from one shore to the next. Crossing it is a dubious task, and most choose to travel around its edges instead, though young sailors of both neighboring kingdoms are also prone to building their first ships here and attempting to sail from one side to the other. It's a long swim for those who fail to account properly for the Phantom Veil's tumultuous waters.
The Divide
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