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Sleeping Dragon
The farther Northwest you travel in As'dra, the warmer it becomes and the more sparsely various foliage grows. Eventually even the earth is turned molten black, and then it gives way to heated lavarock and the burbling of an active volcano. These are not the most interesting feature of the area, however; coiled at the foot of the volcano and wrapping around toward its peak are the bones of a massive creature, its chest cavity large enough to hold a den for a family of lions and wingspan stretching over the whole side of the volcano. Its skull curls toward one wing, and those who are daring enough to climb up that far will see that this creature died coiled around a nest of dozens of eggs, now petrified in the face of the elements. Claiming a dragon's egg is a frequent test of bravery, most often in the Sun Dynasty but well-known among the other kingdoms. It is said those who take the eggs suffer horrendous nightmares and feel compelled to return them, but whether that is the truth no one really knows for sure, as those who have managed the climb rarely speak on it. Those who do recount it as an almost religious experience, to stand by the maw of a creature that could have swallowed them whole and see how small it once had been in the eggs it guarded.
Forums in 'Sleeping Dragon'
Kikona Springs
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Nestled directly between a major source of both cold and heat, Kikona Springs is uniquely formed to collect from underground springs fed by Burnsul Freeze, which over time has formed several different pools with varying temperatures based on how close they are to the Sleeping Dragon. The hottest are so close you can admire its wings and tail in some detail, while the refreshingly cooler pools are nearer to Burnsul Freeze. Many find it perfectly fine to bathe in, occasionally even rejuvenating, but visitors are advised against drinking it as it is full of the eroded remains of the rock around it and given a brighter shade as a result. The color of each pool actually changes over time, and is rumored to sometimes have healing properties, though others consider this a bogus claim and will advise steering well clear of the pools instead. The Kikona Springs are one of the natural wonders of As'dra, for all that there are a number of though some recent speculation suggests that the pools are getting bigger--or, perhaps more accurately, the stone is eroding further between them, and they may one day be linked. This doesn't make them any less relaxing to visit, and various spiritual leaders who associate with water come here at some point in their lives to bathe in the famous pools.
Burnsul Freeze
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One of the strangest territories in all of As'dra, Burnsul Freeze is both frozen and steaming, a perfect blend of hot and cold. A wide, frozen ice plain interspersed with deep wells leading beneath the ice, where water constantly drips in between sudden bursts of heat in motion, spraying into the air and then raining tiny droplets of ice down in a usually-harmless shower. Ships dot the water's surface, some for the most part intact while others are caught on a frozen geyser, lifted off the surface by a force of nature and held there, suspended in time. Exploring these ships may occasionally lead to something interesting, such as strange artifacts, treasures of old or even traps not yet set off by those who have passed before. In very rare cases, one may even find the bones of strange animals on the ships, and it is said that some can hear their ghostly wails. For most, however, the draw of Burnsul Freeze is the currently-active geysers. It makes an attractive spot to bring potential mates, and considered fortunate if the prospective couple is showered with the ice from a geyser. If either one is hurt by the falling ice, however, many take it as an omen of a bad match and will often begin seeking other partners after the event.
Sleeping Dragon
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