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Summer Clear Night
P Holding onto majesty
Jul 21st, 11:56 AM
Quote #1
Sand and dust clung to the shrine before him, aging it to resemble the surrounding sheer cliff faces that plunged into yawning darkness just a few feet away. Roland couldn’t see the bottom when he peered over the edge, a gut-hollowing curiosity gnawing at him. If he fell, how long would he have to contemplate his inevitable death before hitting the bottom? His Saint’s shrine was built at the highest point of The Rift, overlooking the gorge to safeguard travelers as they navigated the dangerous climb.

The summer night was warm and moonless, the sky above an impressive scattering of stars. Crickets chirped from all around, adding a subtle soundtrack to the stillness.

With broad sweeps of his paw, Roland pushed sand from the places it had gathered. The darkness that cloaked the immediate area was chased away by a warm orange glow from the low-burning campfire that crackled behind him, illuminating the shrine against the cool blues of night. The shrine, hewn from the same stone as the surrounding gorge, was not intricately crafted or particularly beautiful—just an aged, non-descript marker about three feet tall with a rounded top. As he cleared the sand and dust, an inscription was revealed: “Saint Valoria guide your travels as He guides His fangs.” Below it, an inset was carved, just large enough to house the candle that Roland now placed within it, lighting it with a strike of flint.

A smile tugged at his lips as he stepped back from the restored shrine, bowing his head. Roland had been assigned vigil at this shrine, a duty many saw as punitive but one he enjoyed. It wasn’t often he traveled alone, and he cherished the quiet contemplation it afforded.

Staying awake through the night was part of the vigil’s challenge. The stillness of the night, the isolation—it all lent itself to deep reflection. Just as his Saint watched over him, Roland would watch over this shrine and reflect on His teachings. The vigil was more than just a physical presence at the shrine; it was a spiritual duty, a time to reconnect with his faith and his purpose.

  • Gender: Male (he/him)
  • Age: 6 years
  • Size: Large
  • Posts: 5

played by Miranda
This character may be discussed by other players in OOC spaces.

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