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Climate Information

Eyirath Kingdom Climate
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Tropical Steppe
44°F (7°C) — 86°F (30°C)
Moderate precipitation
Moderate cloud cover
Moderate precipitation
Low cloud cover
  1. Temperature of warmest month greater than or equal to 68°F (20°C), and temperature of coldest month no lower than 44°F (7°C)
  2. Variations in temperature and pressure during season changes cause semi-frequent cyclones in spring and autumn


Story proclaims that Adachi Takamoto was chosen by Yggdrasil Itself in the creation of Eyirath. It came to him within a dream — bandit king no longer, he’d promised his people, they would earn their place within As’dra and carve a mark in its history.

He bears the leaf of Yggdrasil, fastened by Its powers and harnessed the good in his people to conquer what some theorize was once a different realm shattered by the neighborhood warring Sun Dynasty. Adachi’s success inspired those around him, until before long, they held a castle of their own — what is now known today as Nepenthe Haven.

Unique to their realm, those of high rank within Eyirath fashion a close bond with a Kagemusha — their shadow, to decoy and diminish threats in secret. A person’s Kagemusha is rarely known.

Since the Takamotos rise to fame, there have been subtle shifts within Eyirath’s power yet the Takamoto have reclaimed their rightful place each time. The rivals have brief spurts that never last longer than a generation as the Kingdom’s Emperor.

Empress Illyarien Takamoto is their most recent, she who climbed to power following her father’s ‘unexpected’ death and has since strived to quell the growing unease lurking underneath the surface.

Nepenthe Haven is the capital of Eyirath Kingdom.
  • Empress Illyarien Takamoto was crowned six months ago. Eyirath is in a state of a power transfer, as Eyirath’s royal ceremonies and mourning of its past leaders can last a year or more.
  • Despite the desire to end the ever-lasting cold war between Eyirath and the Sun Dynasty, there have been no political moves to relinquish the claim of Firefly Grotto.
  • Empress Takamoto’s first major move was announced a moon ago to secure a potential alliance with Uddegana Province and its new Augustus, Seneca Miroslav.

Firefly Grotto is a settlement of Eyirath Kingdom.
  • Firefly Grotto is a recent conquest in the name of the Eyirath Kingdom. It happened three years ago during a night survivors won’t forget. After generations of war between Eyirath and the Sun Dynasty, a turncoat general and his clan turned the tide and has retained his claimant against opposing factions.

Miscellaneous Information

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