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Sun Dynasty
The Sun Dynasty sprawls from the Howling Sea to nearly the borders of the Eyirath Kingdom, close to Firefly Grotto in the north with only The Divide separating the Spearhead from the Bloodwood. With their borders so close to another kingdom's, the Sun Dynasty is militant about patrols, and has a strong presence throughout their region. The kingdom is lush jungle interspersed with towering karsts to the southwest as the Crow's Eye watches over the Howling Sea and the rest of the Dynasty, steadily fading into verdant green the closer one moves to Yuwen Temple. Hard to see due to the flourishing undergrowth are the numerous caverns and holes, all leading underground to a number of wellsprings and rivers that had a hand in forming the Crow's Eye to begin with. They are safer to drink the farther northeast you go, though have a distinctive taste that has been said in other kingdoms to contribute to the bitter, long-lasting memories of the Dynasty's people. Approaching Yuwen Temple, the wellsprings begin to show above ground here and there, with small water sources peering through the greenery. In the northernmost reaches, the jungle thickens once again, and becomes a dense mangrove swamp which blocks the sun even on the brightest days, leaving only those clever or familiar enough with the roots of the mangrove trees to navigate beneath its dark canopy.
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Tropical monsoon
61°F (16°C) — 82°F (28°C)
Low precipitation
High cloud cover
High precipitation
High cloud cover
Forums in 'Sun Dynasty'
Crow's Eye
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Separated from the mainland by a narrow strait with only one well-maintained bridge suspended hundreds of feet above the water as their connecting point. While in some places the strait is narrow enough to swim across, there are many who prefer to take the winding path up the karsts to cross the bridge, both for the view and due to the greater safety, for it is much safer to cross the bridge than swim when karsts continue beneath the water of the strait, invisible beneath the surface and sharpened by the currents. On the islet itself, the Crow's Eye is dominated by the winding paths of the karsts, settled into almost a grid-like formation on the majority of the land with buildings hollowed out of the stone itself to provide shelter for those who've settled here. Many of them are close enough together that a daring individual could leap from one karst to its neighbor, but for those who are less able there are hidden bridges carved of stone and maintained carefully. At night, the howling winds can hardly be told from the howling monkeys or the howling of the birds as they weave in and out of the stone pillars. On the southernmost tip of the islet, a cove opens up with a fallen rock, making a perfect meeting point hidden from any viewpoint but that of the Howling Sea--and everyone knows, what the Sea knows stays beneath its waves.
Emberlight Coast
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The northern shore of the islet where the Crow's Eye resides has a softer landscape, the karsts dispersing into much smaller protrusions from soft, pale sand. Emberlight Coast is mainly contained within this northernmost area, stretching in a thinner sliver down three quarters of the islet's westernmost side. Due to the karsts growing smaller and scarcer in this area, the wind coming off the Howling Sea is almost constant, a dull roar fading into a soft whisper the farther from the ocean you get. On the northern banks, larger than any of the nearby karsts, a towering lighthouse remains constantly lit by the efforts of the Sun Dynasty's sacred Keepers of Light, a title that is considered on par with members of the council. Their duty is to keep the Emberlight burning at all times, and it is thanks to their efforts that Emberlight Coast's lighthouse has gone out only twice; once when the Great Wave hit, which sank a nearby settlement, and again when Firefly Grotto was lost to the Sun Dynasty. Its sacred flame acts as a beacon for the chilled winds of the Howling Sea and the residents of the Crow's Eye alike. At night, its warm glow is more constant than the north star, and if it were ever to go out again the Dynasty would surely be doomed to misfortune.
Yuwen Temple
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Though the Sun Dynasty is one of the oldest kingdoms, there is evidence within their borders for a civilization even older than that, one which they will tell you they conquered themselves long ago. Whether this is true, or if they simply moved into the carcass of a long lost kingdom as Eyirath claims, the root of this settlement has a strange shift in architecture compared to their newer homesteads. Yuwen Temple is blocky and harshly angled, towering above the jungles of the Dynasty with grass growing through the cracks in the cobblestone, growing more lush where the sun's light bathes it. The insides of the temple can only be accessed from certain levels, while other elevations have false entrances and traps both inside and out. Yuwen Temple is a maze of passageways and hidden rooms; only those who are familiar with the Temple are truly able to navigate it from top to bottom. While some passages are well-known and traversed--and equally well-guarded--others are hardly touched except for the Sun Dynasty's noble families. Exploration of the temple is not encouraged, but not specifically discouraged, either, and there are still some parts that are unknown to even the Ilkhan's family. Reporting on these passageways will earn that citizen a special prize, and the favor of the Ilkhan themself.
The Spearhead
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So named due to the abundance of rocks shaped into arrowheads, with roads trampled flat by years of use, the Spearhead is the clearest and safest path through the Sun Dynasty, guiding travelers from The Crow's Eye to Yuwen Temple and onward to the land bridge leading to Everbloom in the north. Along its edges, the jungles of the Dynasty grow thick and unforgiving, but not entirely impassable for a lone creature attempting to slip the notice of the Spearhead's guard patrols. A few smaller tracks lead away from the more trafficked roads toward the wellsprings that pop up sporadically, allowing travelers to refresh themselves without nearing the fast-running rivers that guard the farthest edges of the Spearhead--though following these tracks is only possible on foot, and attempting to guide a caravan onto one will bring the guard's attention to you promptly. The roads of the Spearhead are also well-maintained by the Sun Dynasty, fallen trees cleared away within days after a storm, which allows merchants driving their caravans to hock their wares to passersby with little difficulty or interruption to their flow. The Spearhead is a bustling place, the jewel of the Sun Dynasty, and thus well-patrolled so that no one dishonors their place there. Thieves who are caught on the roads of the Spearhead are treated more harshly than anywhere else, encouraging the Sun Dynasty's criminal underbelly to be one of those least likely to be caught in all the Kingdoms of As'dra.
Sun Dynasty
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