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drunken sailor
Feb 1st, 08:49 PM
Quote #1
  • Pronouns: they/it/he
  • Discord: .witch.king.
  • Posts: 74


Edward happens to come from a long lineage of pirates on his father's side. This being said, he wasn't meant to run his own crew until he got older - he was, originally, going to be his father's heir. However... Edward met a young pirate lass when he was two years old.

They slept together, and as a result, Darcy was born. Not ready for the responsibility of a child, Darcy's mother - a woman by the name of Antonia Sparrow - dropped the girl off with Edward and left.

Edward wasn't ready for the girl either, but he decided to step up. Already bitter and resentful where his father was concerned, he left to start his own crew - meeting Crowley on his way. The two of them (three, if you count baby Darcy) started the Magnusson Crew, with Edward as Captain and Crowley as First Mate.

They've been running the crew ever since, and somehow managed to raise the ray of sunshine that is Darcy despite the two of them being the grumpiest bastards known to lion kind.

Soon enough after establishing the crew and taking a ship, they had plenty of pirates joining their ranks. Edward developed a reputation for being a fair and generous Captain, as well as for being fiercely protective of his crew. As far as pirates go, he's an honorable enough man, and this helped to attract a wide variety of individuals to the crew.

I'm looking to thoroughly round out the crew's roster, and I am happy to answer any questions anyone might have! Edward has siblings I may also adopt out if anyone is interested.


01. Loyalty to the crew.
02. Honesty amongst the crew.
03. All crewmates must learn basic self-defense and first-aid skills
04. All crewmates must contribute what they can, when and where they can.
05. Most decisions are made by majority vote, but not all of them.
06. Captain, First Mate, & Quartermaster may override a majority vote if they have a good enough reason to do so.
07. Children are not ever to be targets of harm. If one attacks you, you are permitted to defend yourself with reasonable vigor; i.e., if a month-old cub is biting your toe, you may gently scoot them away. You may not yeet them into the nearest wall.


Traditionally, the Magnusson Crew has been a force of chaotic good in the world. They're Robin Hood sorts, robbing the rich while being generous to the poor. They are firmly against slavery of any kind, and actively stamp out slave masters wherever they happen to find them.

Children are safe with them, as are most adults - though Edward doesn't really do charity in the usual sense. Adults being helped by the crew are expected to help the crew in return, whilst cubs get more lenience. Cubs older than six months are able to contribute at least a little and are expected to do so.

He does believe in protecting innocents whether or not they're able to offer anything in return, however. For all his pillaging, he still manages to be an honorable man. If someone is being abused in front of him, he will intervene. He doesn't tolerate things like that at all.

Now, onto other traditions. Darcy, as the ray of sunshine she is, insists upon celebrating everyone's birthdays. She also insists upon the crew having holiday celebrations and is the reason the crew has a Founding Day holiday. The Founding Day is, as its name might suggest, the day upon which the crew was first founded.

Every year on Founding Day, Darcy arranges a party for the crew. She has taken it upon herself to be a sort of morale officer onboard the ship, seeing the mental well-being of her crew as equally important to their physical well-being. She feels just as responsible for it as well, and thus lovingly bullies everyone into smiling.

Another tradition amongst the crew is pranks! Nothing mean-spirited, just harmless little pranks tailored to the individual being pranked. Not many people can get away with pranking Edward, but every holiday, Darcy gets the entire crew involved in an elaborate scheme to prank her father.

Of course, the only other crewmate that knows he's her father is Crowley, but that's beside the point. On holidays, Edward isn't allowed to get mad about being pranked, so Darcy gets the entire crew in on shenanigans to lovingly annoy him with. It's a good bonding exercise and gets a good laugh from everyone.

Even Edward, though he's loathe to admit it.


Leader of the crew. He gets the final say in things, but most decisions are left to a majority vote. The FM & QM are considered to be just below the Captain in terms of authority, so if either of them gives an order, the only one who can contradict it is Edward himself.
First Mate:
Captain's right paw. He becomes acting Captain should anything happen to Edward.
Captain's left paw. They become acting First Mate should anything happen to Crowley.
Sailing Master:
Head of navigation. This position is extremely important, and can only be occupied by a trusted crewmate skilled in reading the stars.
Arms Master:
The crew's general. This is a trusted member of the crew who has proved to be the most skilled combatant on the ship. They are in charge of defenses and ensuring all crewmates receive basic combat training.
The crew's head medic. Every member of the crew is required to learn basic first aid, but this individual is a trusted crewmate with advanced medical skills.
The crew's head of supply runs. The Bosun often leads shore parties to find supplies when necessary and is a trusted member of the crew.
The crew's ration master. The Cook is in charge of the food once it's brought back to the ship by the Bosun and the Suppliers. They are able to lead hunting expeditions when necessary.
These individuals answer to the Arms Master. These are crewmates that are thoroughly trained in battle, and they are the crew's primary line of defense should the ship ever be boarded.
These individuals answer to the Surgeon. These are crewmates that are thoroughly trained in medicine, and they are the crew's primary caretakers in the event of injury or illness.
These individuals answer to the Bosun and the Cook. Their dedicated job is to locate and procure supplies - be that for repairs or food, it's their job to obtain whatever is needed. When not on supply runs, they act as scouts.
Any crewmate that is in the process of studying under a more experienced member of the crew so that they can take on a specific role. Usually, this tends to be crewmates under the age of two years, but can certainly be applied to older crewmates as well!
Anyone under a year old that is currently being looked after by the crew. This could be cubs born into the crew, adopted into it, or just "stowing away" until they get where they're wanting to go. Edward has a soft spot for kids.

(This post was last modified: Sep 24th, 10:21 PM by jade.)
Mar 1st, 04:07 PM
Quote #2
  • Pronouns: they/it/he
  • Discord: .witch.king.
  • Posts: 74


Esmé Theodora Bellâme Blackwood
Edward's littermate & (non-identical) twin sister. She's a no-nonsense type, stern but motherly. Fair warning, I'm going to be very picky about who she goes to, and I reserve the right to re-adopt her if she goes inactive before she's made 50 posts.

She wouldn't take any of Edward's shit, and probably joined his crew about a year after it was established. I could see her being either the Sailing Master or the Surgeon, depending on which her adopter would prefer!

Definitely slaps Edward upside the head when he's being a shit. She also 100% supports and enables Darcy and her shenanigans, especially when they involve messing with Edward. As fiercely loyal and loving as her brother.






The Raven
The first person to join the crew after it was first established by Edward, Crowley, and Darcy. Freeform appearance & personality.
- taken by koi!
The Crow
The second person to join the crew after it was established by Edward, Crowley, and Darcy. Freeform appearance & personality.
The Gull
The third person to join the crew after it was established by Edward, Crowley, and Darcy. Freeform appearance & personality.

(This post was last modified: Sep 24th, 10:23 PM by jade.)
May 3rd, 07:52 PM
Quote #3
  • Pronouns: they/it/he
  • Discord: .witch.king.
  • Posts: 74


*hover for name suggestions!

designs by witch, custom base by drifty!

(This post was last modified: Sep 24th, 10:24 PM by jade.)
May 3rd, 07:53 PM
Quote #4
  • Pronouns: they/it/he
  • Discord: .witch.king.
  • Posts: 74


(This post was last modified: Sep 24th, 10:24 PM by jade.)

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