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Dec 29th, 02:46 PM
A headcount had revealed a missing member of their party. No surprise as to who it is, and who is sent to find her. Their father is too busy, and Hazel is hunting with the others. So it’s left to the babysitter to drag her back - kicking and screaming if need be.

Roche is never hard to find - she sticks out, with her pale coat and patchwork of markings. Scorpius finds her, and he doesn’t bother hiding his approach. She can run if she wants to play hard - it’ll just hurt for her more when he does catch her.

{"You’re not supposed to wander off alone."} He mutters, for what feels like the millionth time. Are all sisters so irresponsible and irritating? Leonie and Roche certainly make it feel so. At least the others are older, whether they came with the family or not. It isn’t his problem. If they wander off, it's their own responsibility to bring their asses back. Roche and Leonie are his problem.

{"Your mother will be back with dinner soon."} He adds, trying to entice the brat with food - he really, really can’t be bothered chasing today.
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Dec 29th, 03:12 PM
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Dec 29th, 04:07 PM
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Dec 29th, 04:48 PM
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played by koi
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Dec 29th, 04:58 PM
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Dec 29th, 05:22 PM
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played by koi
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Jan 1st, 03:14 PM
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