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the khanat-erdeni clan
Apr 14th, 09:51 AM
Quote #1
  • Posts: 2


House Sigil:

The emblem of this noble family is the soaring eagle and the burning sun behind it, symbolizing strength, vigilance, and keen vision.

Language of the Khanat-Erdeni:

The Khanat-Erdeni speak Mongolian.

The character of the Khanat-Erdeni:

The Khanat-Erdeni lions are renowned for their hardiness and unique sense of humor, which set them apart from other noble houses on the continent. Despite being seen as "uncultured barbarians" by outsiders, they hold honor in the highest regard, shaping their traditions and social structure.

Moral Code:

The concept of "üreg," or honor/duty, is central to the Khanat-Erdeni society. When another impugns one lion's honor, the offender must bend the knee without a fight and accept the judgment of the offended party, enduring punishment until deemed appropriate. The punishment may last a day or a year until the offended party announces that the offender holds no “üreg” towards them.

Dispute Resolution:

Regardless of their size, disputes are settled through dominance fights (unless it is a matter of üreg), a practice encouraged to maintain the hierarchy within the family.

Marriage Practices:

Men of the Khanat-Erdeni practice polygyny, marrying multiple women who view each other as sisters and share a close bond. Their capacity for public display of affection is almost nonexistent, and they are mortified to watch lovers kiss or even embrace in public.

Marriage Proposals:

Only men can become Khans or settlement leaders, but they cannot propose marriage; instead, they must accept or decline offers made by women. Although he may make his interest known in other ways, such as giving a gift.

Relationship Dynamics:

In the Khanat-Erdeni, the embrace of love knows no bounds. The noble lions of this proud dynasty hold an openness to the bonds of affection and the joys of companionship. While they value loyalty and honor within their marriages, they also have a tradition that allows Khanat-Erdeni warriors to take lovers outside of their marriages. This practice is deeply ingrained in the culture and is considered acceptable as long as it does not violate the principles of üreg or dishonor the individual's spouse. However, the specifics of Khanat-Erdeni relationships and their views on infidelity can vary among different clans and individuals within the society.

Sacred Partnership with Eagles:

Eagles hold a sacred significance within Khanat-Erdeni culture, regarded as partners on equal standing with the lions. They are not mere pets but sentient beings who choose to form bonds with the family. The presence of an eagle in the sky signifies the proximity of the Khanat-Erdeni and their shared connection with these revered birds.

“Tengri Ulaan” - A Sacred Ritual:

In a unique and sacred ritual, high-ranking individuals who have committed grave offenses face punishment by an eagle’s plucking, representing the family's connection to these majestic birds of prey. It is said to be a painful but honorable death, and all Khanat-Erdeni gather to observe and cheer. The occasion is often followed by a grand feast.


Mourning the dead is short-lived, but intense and emotion-packed. On the day of the funeral, everybody gathers to observe as the body is given to the eagles for consumption.


Meaning and Training:

The Oyuna are the matriarchal leaders of the family. Every Khanat-Erdeni woman who can predict the future via the Divination specialization of Pyromancy and/or the Blood Rite specialization of Aimamancy can be trained as an Oyuna. These skilled women are trained in herbs and healing arts, embodying wisdom, strength, and foresight within the Khanat-Erdeni lineage. Once a woman begins her training as an Oyuna, she abandons the spear. Oyuna are to not participate in any battles, as their lives are far too important to risk on the field.

Place in the Hierarchy:

All members answer to the Oyuna women, regardless of their rank within the family or any external titles. However, it is seen as bad etiquette to have the Oyuna meddle in the Khan’s business, and vice-versa. What is Oyuna’s business stays as such, and any lion (especially if they are a male) that tries to meddle in their business will soon learn that these women are not to be trifled with. It is said that any man stuck between a woman and an Oyuna would rather fight a venomous snake.

Religious Beliefs

The Khanat-Erdeni have practiced Tengrism since the founding of their clan as a way to explain the powers that Fernweh has bestowed upon them. It is a religion based on shamanism and animism. The titular sky god Tangra (“the Sky” or “Heaven”), who is not considered a deity in the usual sense but a personification of the universe, is the main deity of their worship. The Khan is considered one of the embodiments, if not the main embodiment, of Tengri's will. Since their conception, the Khanat-Erdeni has always been led by “Shaman-kings”.

The clan views their existence as sustained by the eternal blue sky (Tangra), the fertile mother-earth spirit - Eje, and a ruler regarded as the chosen one by the holy spirit of the sky.

Other Deities:

Umay is the goddess of fertility. Earth-mother.
Öd Tengri is the god of time.
Boz Tengri is seen as the god of the grounds and steppes.
Kuar is the god of lightning, whose victims are struck by lightning.
Kayra is the primordial god of the highest sky, upper air, space, atmosphere, light, and life.
Ülgen is the son of Kayra and Umay and is the god of goodness.
Mergen is the son of Kayra and the brother of Ülgen. He represents mind and intelligence and sits on the seventh floor of the sky.
Erlik is the god of death and the underworld, known as Tamag.
Ay Dede is the moon god.

The clan and the Sun Dynasty:

The Khanat-Erdeni family stands as the founders and rulers of the illustrious Sun Dynasty, tracing their lineage back to the very inception of this magnificent realm. Legends whispered among the winds tell of their ancestors soaring through the skies on wings of fire, guided by visions of destiny and greatness. It was during this mythical era that the Khanat-Erdeni ancestors first set foot upon the towering karsts that would come to be the heartland of their kingdom.

Through many battles, the Khanat-Erdeni family persevered. They chose to isolate themselves from politics more than any other nation, being far less versed in the game of houses. It was their unwavering strength that brought them into power, solidifying their rule over the Sun Dynasty. Generations of Khans have upheld the legacy of their forebears, ruling with wisdom and might, and ensuring the prosperity and glory of their realm.

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