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AW yeah this smile is a loaded gun
Jul 12th, 11:43 PM
Quote #1
{ooc;} i feel so rusty writing her flknskn

heavy paws fall like summer rain on the earth as your group comes to a stop for the day, several of your compatriots looking fairly exhausted. casting your gaze over them, you hunt for the familiar silhouette of your son. he seems to enjoy traveling alongside azelie's oldest boy, which is fine by you as long as they stay with the big ol' family convoy.

you've been keeping an eye on them as much as you can, but you know that the families watch out for their own. the cubs traveling with the group are as safe as they can possibly be, with numerous individuals keeping watch. it's... strange to feel so confident in your safety, and in the safety of those you love, but you know this group will fight to the death for its people.

especially the cubs.

sighing, you settle to your haunches and release a few chuffs, hoping he's near enough to hear them. if he's hungry or needs anything, you want to know so you can provide for him. caring for a kid is strange and new still, but you're determined to do a good job. he won't grow up the way you did, uncertain whether or not his guardian actually cares or if he's simply an unpleasant duty.

of course, you know looking back that your guardian did care, but boy were there some rough patches. being reunited with your mother and her half of your family has only made you doubly determined to avoid any such patches happening with Vrtra - you want him to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you care.

that he can come to you for anything.
  • Gender: trans femme [intersex]
  • Age:
  • Size: Giant
  • Posts: 5

played by witchking
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