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AW shave his belly with a rusty razor
Mar 12th, 08:13 PM
Quote #1
he hates being on land.

still, it makes his daughter happy to have these celebrations using more than can be found on a ship, and the softhearted buffoon that he is... he lets her get her way more than he probably should. at least her parties are good for crew morale, and he has a sneaking suspicion she is largely responsible for the lack of mutinies over the last three years since he founded his crew.

honestly, maybe she should be captain.

he almost grins at that idea but manages to stop himself at the last second. it wouldn't do to ruin his reputation as a hardass at this point, now would it? of course, if he happens to forget himself, Crowley's got his back. man's as grumpy as he is most days, though he knows they both adore the bright little beastie currently hopping around like a tiny hurricane of good cheer amongst the crew.

how the hell Darcy turned out so sweet, he'll never know.

you'd think, having been raised by two grumpy sons of bitches, she'd have turned out the same way - but no, not his brown-eyed girl. his boy, Liam, has a temperament more in line with his own, but darcy? his girl is a goddamned delight - not to mention one hell of a big sister. she's an even better mama, though he hates even thinking about the bastard that had knocked her up and run off afterward.

not that he'd gotten very far, but still.

oh well, little Benjamin is just about the best thing that could've come from that entire situation. darcy certainly doesn't regret having him, and edward wouldn't trade his grandson for anything, despite the fact that the boy's birth had aged him at least five extra years. it had been a struggle for poor darcy, and edward hadn't taken it well when she'd gone into shock. nearly losing his daughter was the straw that broke his restraint.

he'd hunted down and sank her ex a week later.

she doesn't know, and he has every intention of keeping it that way. it would upset her if she found out, after all, and edward doesn't take kindly to either of his children being upset - least of all over his completely justified murder of his daughter's ex-boyfriend. shaking himself away from those thoughts (lest darcy read his mind or something - it wouldn't surprise him if she could) he refocuses on the lass in question.

she's got the crew singing. singing. very badly.

even worst than that, very loudly.
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