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Sun Dynasty Royalborn
Apr 14th, 09:44 AM
Quote #1
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Sun Dynasty Adoptables


The Khanat-Erdeni, rulers of the Sun Dynasty, are symbolized by the soaring eagle and the burning sun, embodying strength, vigilance, and keen vision. They speak Mongolian and are renowned for their hardiness, unique sense of humor, and unwavering commitment to honor, setting them apart from other noble houses. Central to their society is the concept of "üreg," or honor/duty, dictating that disputes must be settled through dominance fights unless they impugn honor, in which case offenders must endure punishment until deemed appropriate.

Read the full traditions here.

This adoptable page is open for anyone to apply to any of the following relations directly related to the Royals of the Sun Dynasty realm. Please try to keep close to the trait ideas given for each character! More characters will be added as the previous ones are adopted out! Designs are in the works!

Khanat-Erdeni Royalborn

Enkh “Tsaivar” Khanat-Erdeni
Four Years, Jonon of Sun Dynasty, Firstborn Son of Altan & Davaa

Enkh embodies both the ferocity of a warrior and the heavy burden of leadership. Exudes an aura of authority and dominance, commanding respect and instilling fear in those around him. Stoic, brooding, with rare glimpses of warmth reserved for his closest kin. Despite his intimidating presence, there is a calculating intelligence behind his steely gaze. Driven by relentless ambition to expand the Khanat-Erdeni’s influence, willing to employ any means necessary. Seeks validation from his father. A warrior that inspires fierce devotion and allegiance. Still, he is reckless which leads him to take unnecessary risks, exposing himself and his allies to danger. The thirst for power blinds him to the consequences of his cruel acts. Impulsive & hot-tempered. Enjoys spending solitary time at high spots with his eagle companion.

Bolor “Emzeg” Khanat-Erdeni - taken by phoenix
Four Years, Khan Kuu Gonji of Sun Dynasty, Second Son of Altan & Davaa

A complex blend of intelligence, jealousy, and cunning. Born sickly (hence his nickname - “Emzeg” translated to “The Frail”), he has always harbored resentment towards his healthier siblings, fueling his jealousy and bitterness. He is sly, and manipulative, and uses his intelligence to undermine others and subtly advance his agenda. Despite his outward charm, he harbors deep-seated hatred towards those he perceives as standing in his way. Master strategist. Bitter, which sometimes leads him to make impulsive decisions driven by emotion rather than logic. Alienates those around him due to his tendency towards deceit. Preoccupied with material wealth and status. A formidable opponent in political intrigue. Has an affinity towards collecting shiny objects and accessories, adorning himself in extravagant jewelry and trinkets. Highly superstitious, relying on rituals and charms to ward off perceived threats or bad luck.

Ankh “Ankhtsetseg” Khanat-Erdeni
Four Years, Khan Kuu Gonji of Sun Dynasty, First Daughter of Altan & Anir

Like most Khanat-Erdeni women, Ankh embodies the fierce and fiery spirit of her ancestors. Despite her youth, she exudes a mature aura, carrying herself with a sense of dignity and responsibility beyond her years. Sharp and harboring a sense of intuition, traits that serve her well as she trains to become an Oyuna. Deeply committed, a disciplined student. Determined & resilient. Her goal, since the cradle, has been to climb the ladder of the Oyuna hierarchy and become the strongest among them. Her presence is stern and commanding, bending others to her will with a simple look. Prone to arrogance and hubris, believing herself to be untouchable and invincible. A prodigy since childhood. Despite her ruthless nature, Ankh has a deep-seated fascination with the natural world. She has a penchant for collecting rare and exotic herbs, using her herbalism knowledge to concoct potent potions and elixirs.

Saaral “Döl” Khanat-Erdeni
Four Years, Khan Kuu Gonji of Sun Dynasty, Second Daughter of Altan & Anir

While training with the Oyuna comes naturally for Ankh, it does not for her younger sister Saaral. In order to become a woman of the Oyuna one must give up the spear and forsake the dance of battle forever. Since day one, Saaral has been entranced with battle, training day and night to become better. Stronger. When the Oyuna knock on her door, she is mortified. And yet she has no choice but to submit - nobody denies the Oyuna. Not even a Princess. Not even the fierce and unyielding Saaral. Despite that, she hates every moment of her training, and worst of all she is constantly compared to her prodigy sister.

Khulan Royalborn


The Khulan are the second Royalborn clan of The Sun Dynasty. They have been living alongside the Khanat-Erdeni since the Sun Dynasty’s inception, practicing the same religion and rituals as their stronger ally. Centuries ago the Khulan and Khanat-Erdeni fought many battles until the Khulan faced defeat and instead chose to ally with the Khanat-Erdeni. As a precaution, the two clans forged an ancient pact that has kept them united to this day. The pact goes as follows: the Khulan shall provide wives to the Khagan and his heirs.

Davaa “Üneg” Khulan
Six Years, Behichi of Sun Dynasty, Wife of Altan

Charmer. Dancer, singer, and storyteller. Feminine and sultry, she is exceptionally skilled in the art of entertainment, able to captivate and charm with her performances. However, beneath her alluring exterior lies a sly and cunning nature, akin to that of a fox. Master manipulator, adept at playing politics and using her beauty to get what she desires. Her primary goal is to maintain her position as the Khan’s favorite wife and wield as much influence over him and the kingdom as possible. Driven by a desire for power and control. Everyone is aware of her competition with her cousin and sister-wife Anir although it is not openly spoken about. While the duo approves of their status as sister-wives, they are at each other’s throats more often than not. Davaa uses the fact that she gave birth to two sons as a way to assert her dominance over Anir, which irks Anir to no end. Davaa’s pursuit of power makes her cold-hearted and ruthless, which drives any meaningful relationships away. Has a fondness for riddles and wordplay, often using them to subtly undermine her rivals or entertain herself. Interested in fine clothing and expensive jewelry, always dressing to impress and enhance her natural beauty.

Anir “Ulaantsetseg” Khulan
Six Years, Behichi of Sun Dynasty, Wife of Altan

Beautiful but her inner turmoil overshadows her outward beauty at times. Charming, but plagued by constant anxiety and self-doubt, fear that she may never live up to the expectations placed upon her as a Behichi. Sincere to a fault. Driven by ambition, determined to make a name for herself. She is energetic and passionate, fiery and impulsive. Quick to anger and slow to forgive, her emotions running high and unchecked. Despite her flaws, Anir possesses a magnetic char that draws others to her. Her relationship with Davaa is full of tension and resentment, despite the duo putting on airs of agreeableness. Anir finds solace in motherhood, doting on her two daughters endlessly despite them not being babes any longer. Airhead more often than not.

How to apply

To apply please expand on the personality given, adding your own special touch to it! If interested in applying for a relative not listed above please DM Rabbit on discord and we can work something out together. (:

Disclaimer: If you end up not wishing to play the character you’ve been given anymore, please let Rabbit know so she may adopt it out to someone else. These are important positions to the family line so I would love for them to be as active as possible!

(This post was last modified: May 29th, 12:48 AM by Rabbit.)
Apr 17th, 07:14 AM
Quote #2
  • Pronouns: they/them
  • Discord: еightysix#5270
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Khanat-Erdeni Royalborn

Tumen “Zorig” Khanat-Erdeni
Four Years, Jonon of Sun Dynasty, Firstborn Son of Naran & Anu

Tumen is the embodiment of discipline and self-control. He is proud of his heritage and holds himself with dignity and power. He was brought up with loyalty and honor taking part in being and existence. Focused and concentrated on his goals and ambitions to be one of the best warriors of the family and make his kin proud. Much like the Khanat-Erdeni men, he will take on wives and continue the royal lineage. His short fuse however is something that causes issues and puts him and others in unnecessary danger. Prefers spending solitary time with his eagle and enjoys patrolling the border of his home, making sure everyone is safe.

Uyanga "Oyu" Khanat-Erdeni
Four Years, Khan Kuu Gonji of Sun Dynasty, First Daughter of Naran & Anu

Uyanga possess a deep love for the vast steppes, a sense of independence and resourcefulness. Intelligence and a sense of spiritualism take her on the path of a Oyuna and she carries her tasks and lessons with discipline. Humble and quiet she prefers the company of her eagle and seeks approval and connection with her father. She often takes long walks with her eagle following close and learning all she can for the world around her. She’s loyal to her family, trying to keep her uncertainties at the back of her mind so she could make them proud. Has an especially close bond with her brother. She’s a spiritualist and prays every day at the Temple, trying to connect with her ancestors.

Khulan Royalborn

Anu “Erene” Khulan
Six Years, Behichi of Sun Dynasty, Wife of Naran

The most accurate word to describe Anu is nurturer. Compassionate, caring, and empathetic she is often concerned with the well-being of others. Anu possess a high level of patience and understanding, which allows her to navigate challenging situations with grace and empathy. She is a skilled orator and that helps her with diffusing conflicts and soothing tensions. She is painfully loyal to her family and the Erdeni, proud with her role of a Behichi. She strays away from the battlefield and prefers being the stay at home mother and wife, always ready to provide for her husband and children (even though they are not cubs anymore, this over protectiveness is caused due to losing two of her children to illness after they were born). At times jealousy clouds her mind when her husband shows interest in other women, but she does that due to the feelings that blossomed in their long years of partnership. She dreads the day when Naran will get more wives, because she wants to be the one he favors most.

(This post was last modified: Apr 23rd, 09:27 AM by eightysix.)

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