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Toreia Plateau
Stretching from Kikona Springs and the edge of Burnsul Freeze down to the top of Alef's Cascades, the Toreia Plateau is actually multiple plateaus, covered in lush and beautiful meadows which sprawl from the bottom of one cliff to the top of another. In autumn and winter, it's mostly thick grass and a little bit of shrubbery breaking up a somewhat monotonous landscape, but in spring and summer the flowers bloom and it becomes a wonderland of color and variety of all kinds. Toreia Plateau can be hard to navigate due to its sheer size and the distinct lack of landmarks, but is a playground for the dedicated forager or young hunter hoping to improve their skills. The tall grass makes a good home for all sorts of smaller animals and there is a network burrow of tunnels that even young lions have fallen into before, navigating the entire plateau just a few feet further down. Older lions might break an ankle if they aren't taking careful steps around the holes that litter the ground across the whole of each steppe. Temperature can be strange on Toreia Plateau, changing depending on whether you're closer to Burnsul Freeze or the Sinking Dominion, though it stabilizes towards the south as it approaches Alef's Cascades.
Forums in 'Toreia Plateau'
Alef's Cascades
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Named for the giant told of in childhood legends across the realms of As'dra, Alef's Cascades are said to be wellsprings left behind in the paw prints of a passing lion. The legend is a wildly popular one for the natives of all the realms, though tales differ on whether he was running from something or to something when the Cascades were made. Either way it is agreed that the bounding leaps the giant lion took broke the earth beneath his paws and left it crying in his wake. The rapids that make up the majority of the Cascades have the occasional calm-looking surface, but even those are dangerous to go swimming in as the undercurrents may take you unawares, dragging you down through the falls for miles. Though some folks still try; brave and reckless youngsters will occasionally gain a taste for diving through the falls on purpose, though it is far from safe to do so as there are plenty of jagged rocks hidden beneath the roiling waves. Those who survive the fall generally float back to the surface near the Everbloom, where the waters are calmer. The closer Alef's Cascades are to Toreia Plateau, the colder the water becomes and the more likely you are to find chunks from Burnsul Freeze floating downstream. As the waters enter the Everbloom and widen, the water remains cold but not freezing, offering a refreshing place to swim in its lowest pool if you take care with the undercurrents.
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Named such for the pink and red trees that forever hold their foliage, though the leaves are shaped like deciduous trees that should shed in the fall, the Everbloom is a place of legend in As'dra. Many stories take place in one of the two large ponds; some of the greatest romances have a beginning or climax happen among the swaying petals of pale-barked trees. With all that and their proximity to Kikona Springs the Everbloom is considered a remarkably romantic place to go. Even the cliff it bumps up against and the position the trees grow in is heart-shaped in the eyes of some, though what is less known is that the special variety of pink, and especially those rarer red-leafed trees have properties that can be harvested through their leaves and bark. Thus the trees themselves bring healers and assassins both to come foraging through for either potent poisons or antidotes. The trees are thought to have grown as a result of the creation of Alef's Cascades as they only appear around the bodies of water that the Cascades connect, and nowhere else in all of As'dra. They are considered a wonder by the separate realms and even sacred in some circles, which has helped the Everbloom to remain neutral territory for so many years.
Toreia Plateau
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