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Climate Information

Uddegana Province Climate
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Dry-summer subarctic
-2°F (-18°C) — 71°F (22°C)
High precipitation
Moderate cloud cover
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
  1. Temperature of warmest month greater than or equal to 50°F (10°C), and temperature of coldest month 27°F (–3°C) or lower
  2. Precipitation in driest month of summer half of the year is less than one-third of the wettest month of the winter half
  3. Temperature of each of four warmest months 50°F (10°C) or above but warmest month less than 71°F (22°C)


Uddegana Province was never known for being a haven in any definition of the word. It sits in a precarious part of As'dra, sandwiched between realms like the converging of spokes on a wheel; to make matters worse, the kingdom itself is vast and divided, forcing trade and travel through a remote mountain pass. It is not easily defended, and between its boundaries being skirted by multiple other realms and the hazardous land of the lawless, its abilities to protect its borders have only ever been tenuous at best. Taremin Veloka was not a cruel king, but he was an indolent one.

In the earlier years of his reign, crowned too young on the coattails of his father's death, Taremin drowned himself in liquor and women—and left his court with the responsibility of safeguarding Uddegana's people. For years, it was loyalty to the Veloka family (namely, the era of peace that Taremin's father had left in his wake) that kept the royal regime standing; it was a worry for the realm's residents that kept its council dedicated to protecting them. But when Taremin's stupor never lifted, and the darkness and impacts of his habits drove the king to shutter himself within the walls of Attexus, that loyalty began to slip.

The military, the council, and even the king's court found themselves in a state of unrest; and that unrest led to fear and resentment. Some fled to the northern wilderness beyond Uddegana's borders, some defected to other realms, and those who remained were forced to bear the weight of a crumbling kingdom. The borders weakened, and thieves, vagabonds, and ne'er-do-wells took advantage of Uddegana's splintered forces. When Seneca Miroslav arrived in As'dra from the north, it was from the highest peak of the Three Sisters that he saw the realm's fate from above—and despite not knowing this realm or its people, he did not like what he saw.

For a few months, the family and loyalists who had journeyed with him lived in the barren hoarfrost of the Wild Yonder, and Seneca enacted his plan; he visited Uddegana often, and befriended some of its residents. He earned the trust of its guards, and in turn, the militant captain that helmed Frosthaven—who was one of the few threads still holding Uddegana together. He proved his experience, his cunning, and in the family who would follow him to the ends of this earth and abandon a desert haven to suffer in the endless northern winter, he proved his capability to be a king.

Truthfully, he needn't have tried so hard. Once the walls of Attexus were breached, Taremin was disappointingly easy to dispose of. He died as he lived, drunk and obese and sequestered in a bed of silk and women. Taremin had few noble loyalists left, and those who would not defect died with their king. And so Seneca's reign began. With his primary focus set to rebuilding the realm and reinforcing its borders, he spent many hours in the field, disquieting its residents and leaving rumors abound. How many years had it been since they had a ruler who did not hide in the safety of his castle? And could they trust this cool and militant man, whose softness seems to show itself as rarely as Taremin's face did?

The months since Seneca's takeover were quieter than those that came before, more secure—but many hesitate to yet consider it more safe. The citizens of Uddegana Province are still holding their breath, trying to decide if this new regime is for the better or worse.

Attexus is the capital of Uddegana Province.
  • Usurped from their throne, the remnants of the Veloka shatter to the wind — those who remain loyal to the bloodline either faced the fangs of the Miroslav rebellion or sought a swift escape far from the reaches of Uddegana’s freshened boundaries.

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