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Climate Information

The Endless Horizon Climate
Climate Zone
Temperature Range
Tropical desert
64°F (18°C) — 120°F (49°C)
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
Low precipitation
Low cloud cover
  1. Temperature of warmest month greater than or equal to 90°F (32°C), and temperature of coldest month no lower than 64°F (18°C)
  2. Some rainfall occurs during winter months, but even then is rare
  3. Due to its low elevation level, Rothmos Burial Ground sees the most brutal summer temperatures


An ocean of sand rolls on as far as the eye can see; such a hostile place for any living creature to call home, and yet, the elders of the Endless Horizon saw its beauty — its potential. They learned the maze of the desert where none before them could; even now, a guide remains advised lest you become one with the Rothmos Burial Ground.

In the early years, the Endless Horizon saw its fair share of bloodshed. It’d once been named the Ruby Sea, due to the amount of blood caking the towering dunes. Yet, a calm would see to it after a shift in leadership — an uprising, to some, and a coup, to others — blossomed life in a different form within the realm. Innovation led the next phase of the Endless Horizon. Their creativity and thirst for knowledge became a staple for the changing realm.

It now stands to be a long-term sanctuary, until anarchy in a political web drew out a monster again. Pharaoh Aaru was young when he took the crown, yet Regency was not an option for the yearling boy who decided to shoulder the weight of his father’s kingdom. Some say his reign began with hope, others knew it to be the beginning of the end. Cruelty swept through the inner royal household in Teggedell — the spoilt Pharaoh got what he wanted. His greed was insatiable.

War was rumored to be on the horizon.

But it died like a whisper in the wind.

Announcement came before long that Pharaoh Aaru was ill. They promised that the Great King would be healed in time. Yet, he would never stand before his people again. Pharaoh Aaru had been defeated by his illness a week later. Our story thus begins with the crowning of Pharaoh Set, the late King Aaru’s brother — a long-time politician in the Endless Horizon’s council.

Aaru’s betrothed, Emery Delacroix, grieved alongside the royal family. Their wedding was never fulfilled due to a lack of children, and thus, to ensure their alliance stuck, Pharaoh Set would retain her position — a political move some questioned, but none rose to strike down. The alliance must continue.

Teggedell is the capital of The Endless Horizon.
  • Teggedell’s current leadership has blood connections to the Endless Horizon’s founding family on their maternal side.
  • Late Pharaoh Meriiti had a wife and two concubines, a tradition normal for the realm. Late Pharaoh Aaru had numerous unnamed concubines, but no children were produced that he claimed.
  • Pharaoh Set is known for his benevolent, yet stern rulings over the inner circle of Teggedell — particularly popular with citizens of the Endless Horizon for his work with opening trading routes prior to his ascension.
  • Great Royal Wife Emery hails from a highborn family from Sestrala Commonwealth. Due to their neighboring boundaries, the two realms have had close relations over numerous generations — recently thickening with Pharaoh Set’s establishing of further trade routes to and from Sestrala, and the marriage between houses.

Miscellaneous Information

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