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Silesta Outpost
The Silesta Outpost is nestled into a valley close to the Horizon-Sestrala Border, just northeast of the steep mountains hiding the secrets of Rudrin's Maze. The mountains give way steeply to a calm lake, wide and placid except when the wind rises and far deeper than it appears. With the way the land dips down, these storms are few and far between, often caught instead on the edges of the mountains and only allowing clouds to gather high above, resulting in frequent but gentle rain. Across those shores and around them is a wide meadow, filled not with flowers but with thick, tall grass, water reeds nearer to the lake giving way to oat, barley and rye grass wherever the land has flattened. At the northernmost edge low stone buildings stand guard over the lake, with roofs made into thatch from the dried form of all the grasses that abound there, leaving the settlement to smell as much of these earthy tones as their borderlands do. Even further north, the flatlands give way to rolling green hills, with flowers finally poking their heads up away from the tall grass, and leading up to the King's Road, and into the Sestrala Commonwealth.
Silesta Outpost
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